Joy Doctor x Preg Reader

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 "Oh, fuck me!" you said after throwing up for what felt like the millionth time into a rubbish bin. You've been sick for the past couple of days now that you actually think about it. Food poisoning? No, you would've ridden of that a long time ago with how much you've been throwing up lately. Maybe there's some sort of flu-like sickness going around? No, no, no. Anyone with anything other than symptoms of the common cold would either just stay inside or get send away like they had the plague. 'What could it be?' you thought sitting back on your couch. Then it hit you: pregnancy. 'Oh shit! I'm probably pregnant!' you thought, it was the last reasonable explanation for this. Late period. Sickness. More of a food hoarder - than usual, at least. You had to tell your favorite doctor of Wellington Wells; dear Georgie Byron. You made yourself presentable and decided to head over to his office. He was likely working on filling syringes with different dosages today.

You were right, he was in his office! You sat down in one of his desk chairs - a doctor needs multiple chairs for multiple desks right? The two of you chatted about topic the two of you normally talk about for a while. You didn't want to just spring the news on him as soon as you saw him. That wouldn't be the right way to tell him. So you sat there thinking of ways you could tell him: what to say, what to do, and what to expect. You weren't quite sure how he'd react. He wasn't keen with talking about being around children much at all. Hopefully he meant children in general and not children the two of you had.

"Speaking of the plague and sickness..." Georgie said trailing off of your discussion about the plague, " ...why have you been acting so strange lately?"

"What do you mean?" you asked as he was fiddling with syringes.

"'ve been sick for days, love. Have you caught something?" he asked while pushing down on a syringe, to get the air out.

"Well...I think I may have...caught something..." you said shy and quietly, earning a glance in your direction.

"Is something wrong? What is it you think you've gone and caught, dear?" he said concerned, but went back to looking at the syringe.

" ...Pregnancy?" you said fiddling with a pen you found on his desk. You let out a small laugh at his reaction. Instead of letting just the air out, his thumb decided to go all the way and sent a stream of liquid Joy across the room.

"Pregnant...?" he said looking to you.

"Yes - it's the only reason I was left with after a lot of thought. Vomiting for the past couple of days, constantly craving food all the time...and the fact that I'm late know... menstruating" you explained. He put the now empty syringe on the table next to him and took off his gloves. Not saying anything he paced back and forth in front of you, until he swooped down on his knees in front of you and wrapping his arms around you.

He set his head on your stomach, "I'm going to be a dad?" he whispered but you could hear the emotion tugging at his voice. You were no exception, you were getting emotional too. Not only because of you two having a child, but because he seemed to be accepting and happy about a child.

"Yes, Georgie..." you said cupping his face with your hands and bringing his face level with yours, "'re gonna be a dad!" You could see the happiness in his eyes that were also fighting back tears, from what you could barely see behind his glasses. And with that, you both gave out a short laugh of joy before he pulled you into his arms. "I love you..."

"I love you too"

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