Bobby x Downer

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AN: Hello lovelies! Here is a Bobby x downer like y'all requested:3

By the way requests are still open aaaaaaaand I still have that one request for Arthur x Bobby (I think that's what it was >.>) to do soooo stay tuuuuuned :)

R&R to let me know what y'all think ;p

Word count: 1489

"Oh - bloody hell! Everything's going sideways, nothing seems to be going straight anymore!" Y/n cursed quietly. She didn't want to be heard, but at the same time she had the biggest urge to just scream out her feelings to the world.

She decided to leave the Reform club. She wasn't having any of it. Y/n was invited to join for the night to have some fun but she wasn't aware of what type of club it was. "So much for that..." y/n muttered walking out of the building. Y/n noticed that it was still very early in the night, judging by the fact that it was indeed dark. It was night after all. And y/n also looked at the clock before leaving.

"I hope I don't run into Joy doctors or Bobbies...that wouldn't end well in either scenario. At least I wouldn't think it would." Y/n thought out loud. This meant having to try and sneak around the streets at night and get home unnoticed. Getting into trouble could possibly mean not getting off of this God forsaken island or death even. But let's not think about that. It's only worst case scenario.

Y/n started off great. No one noticed a random person wandering the streets at night. 'Good' y/n thought. Well. Until y/n heard a deep voice directly behind her. "And wot do ya think you're doin' out this late at night? Are you some sort of downer!?"

Y/n spun around quickly, letting out a gasp of fear, shock, and a lot of surprise. Looking up at the tall Constable, no words came out of her mouth, just a bunch of sputtering and mumbles.

"Well, get on with it! I haven't got all day! State your business for being out past curfew and we'll see how I feel about handling this" the Constable leaned forward a little bit. He looked y/n up and down, studying the shorter figure, before locking eyes. Y/n noticed that his harsh, stern look slowly melted away, but kept a slightly displeased look. His eyes showed he was slightly more concerned.

"I—I'm so sorry Constable! I don't mean to distract you from your duty, really! I'm just trying to get home!" Y/n frantically tried to explain.

"And why isn't it seem to that you're home before curfew ma'am?"

"Well, honestly..." y/n said scratching the back of her head with a bit of embarrassment, "I was invited to the Reform club, you a way to get my mind off of things. The problem is I wasn't exactly told what the Reform club is. I...I was rather uncomfortable and couldn't bear another moment in there." Y/n was looking down and moving a pebble with her foot, but ended up locking gazes with the Constable.

"Oh! I'm sorry to hear that happened ma'am, but the rules are the rules!" The Constable explained.

"Does that mean you're going to beat me like a downer?" Y/n asked, causing the Constable to blink from the unexpected question.

"By protocol, likely, yes. But I see an escort to your residency should suffice. So long as I don't catch you out at night again! Especially if one of the other lads see you out at night, I can't speak on their behalf." He explained, but grabbed his stomach like someone punched him. He tried to hide the pain as much as he could.

"That would be wonderful, thank you Constable..."

"Constable Whistler, ma'am"

"Thank you Constable Whistler, Im y/n y/l/n." Y/n smiled.
The walk started out rather fine and dandy. Until the Constable started asking questions.

"Say, Miss y/l/n, what is it that you're stressed about? You mentioned it earlier when you said you were invited to the reform club." The Constable started a conversation.

"O-oh! Well, uhhhh...ummmm... work! Work related stuff! Yes, workplace drama!" Y/n chuckled nervously. This made the Constable give her an odd look.

"Oh? And wot type of work drama might that be?"

"It's nothing really! Just every day dow—drama! Everyday drama stuff!" Y/n had to quickly change her poor choice of words and hope he didn't catch on to it. Even the oddest choice of words could make someone suspect that they're a downer. If it weren't for Sunshine most of the day to day tasks would be much more tenuous. As far as hiding the truth of being a downer of course.

The Constable stopped in his tracks, which caused y/n to stop too. He started walking towards y/n, his pace wasn't fast, but it was the speed of a bullet to y/n. "So..." he said slowly, as if he was analyzing y/n's every single move. "Forgive me if I'm brash, Miss y/n. However..." his voice trailed off, still walking towards her, making her back up slowly into an alleyway. " seems as if you haven't taken your Joy? Or can't take your Joy anymore? Has someone become a downer?" His ice blue eyes felt as if they were cutting y/n's through their gaze. But there was something more. It was if his eyes had his own story but no one would know unless the took the time to really look into his eyes and into his soul.

Y/n was so focused on the task and man at hand she didn't realize that he had backed her into an alley until he blocked the entrance with his y'all figure. At first she was full of fear and anxiety, shoulders tensed up like a coiled spring. Until she looked up at the man and realized: Bobbies take BlackBerry Joy. The poor sod will likely remember everything, as that specific Joy is meant for government workers only. 'Maybe I can talk my way out of this?' Y/n thought.

"Constable Whistler..." y/n said relaxing her shoulders and letting all her fear leave. This made his demeanor change in the slightest bit. "I'm sorry to say, but, no, I can no longer take my Joy."

The Constable slowly reached for his baton, "I figured as much!"

"You remember, don't you?" Y/n asked, catching the tall man off guard. It was as if she just exposed him in public, she noticed his ears turn red.

"Excuse me?" He blinked.

"You remember? The old days? Back before all of this...this weird society we created? When it was okay to be sad, and when we were happy we actually felt it...and it actually felt quite fulfilling and warm when we were. Nothing like this synthetic bull we do today." She sat down on a bench in the alleyway. It's odd for Wellington Wells to have such thing in such places but no one has complained. "I understand that it is your duty to beat downers. But I'm sure you've wanted to make exceptions. Blackberry doesn't let you forget. It just helps keep your head cleared up so you can work. A stress reliever. But it isn't anymore now that you're past your withdrawals is it?"

"How do you know about my withdrawals!? No one knows that!" He quietly hissed.

"It's written in your eyes, Constable. I'm not going to tell anyone if you're wondering. And I'm not because it's your decision and your right to tell someone, not me." He just looked at her, not saying a thing. Just standing there, hand on his baton to take it out of his belt. It was clear he was deep in thought. Perhaps making a decision? Whether to kill y/n right now, or maybe something else. But he let out a long sigh, dropping his hand from his baton. He walked over to the bench, sitting down next to y/n.

He looked over to y/n and after a short pause, "It's good....its a good feeling to have someone else to share such a...such a painful experience with. Now I'm not alone...huh, I'd never of thought that would be possible."

"Constable Whistler, I think our paths crossed for a reason. I'll be here for you whether you need me at the time being or otherwise. Just don't hesitate to ask for anything" y/n smiled.

"Thank you, very much. But please, call me Samuel or Sam." He gave a genuine looking smile. Even through the mask he wore. 

"Well, Samuel, please call me y/n" y/n replied, placing a hand on his thigh to comfort him. But deep down y/n also really wanted to touch him. He was a big, brutal man with a heart of gold deep down under all the masks. 

He looked down at y/n's hand a bit surprised, before looking back up and locking eyes. "Of course, y/n is a beautiful name after all" he smiled.

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