Bobby x Reader - How the Tides Have Turned

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 "You know..." your beloved boyfriend said walking up to your bed that you were laying in.

"What?" you asked, him climbing on top of you - but then suddenly dropping all of his weight and laying on top of you.

"I love you" he chuckled with a huge smile at the fact that you couldn't get him off of you, "What's the matter love? Something crushing you?"

"Ohhhh my God, I love you too but my Lord you're such a child sometimes" you laughed with the little air in your lungs before he rolled over to be next to you instead of crushing you. You truly love the man, granted he is a man-child when he isn't working with the other Bobbies. The two of you have been planning on leaving Wellington Wells for the past couple of weeks, unknown to anyone else. Just like how no one else knew that both of you stopped taking your Joy, it was your little secret.

"Yes, but you love me! I'm practically your favorite person, admit it love!"

"Who are you? Constable Higginbottom? Constable Schmitty?"

"Don't ya mean Constable Sexy? Constable Muscles?" he said laying on his back, flexing his arms like a Greek god statue.

You rolled to be on top of him, wrapping your arms and legs around him and laying your head on his chest, "Don't you mean Constable Huggles?" you laughed at his defeat. He laughed and wrapped his arms around you lovingly. The two of you stayed like that for a bit, just enjoying each others company makes the two of you happy. Tomorrow was a big day: you two breaking out of this hell hole to go to the mainland. You had found out about an old abandoned boat one day, from a downer you've met once or twice, he too was trying to escape. He said he was going to go via the bridge, and that you two could call dibs on the boat if you wanted to. It was in relatively good shape, but just needed fuel to run and operate properly. Working as a police officer, your dear Constable Higginbottom-Sexy-Muscles-Schmitty has access to resources. He's been taking bottles of Scotch, emptying them in the most Constable fashion by drinking it beforehand, and filling it with fuel at the station. Whether it's from the evidence room or hidden away for special use, such as for the parade bikes. There hasn't been a parade in years, and probably will continue to be that way for years to come, so they won't miss that fuel. Same for the fuel in the evidence room from years ago, no one even bothers with those cases because it's from the past - not gonna be missed or found out anytime soon. Not by tomorrow at least. If either of you were to be caught tomorrow, that would be bad news and a whole lot of pain and torture. The two of you know how deranged these folk are when it comes to not taking your Joy, let alone what they might do if they found out that you were trying to escape. Yikes.

"Hey, Constable Higginbottom-Sexy-Muscles-Schmitty?" you asked still on top of him.

With a laugh he responded, "Yes?"

"Do you think tomorrow will go alright? I mean, I'd hate for us to do all this work and get caught and have the chance of possibly not seeing you again" you said, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and head.

"Oh, love, it will be fine! No one knows about anything - aside from the two of us that is" he said kissing you on the lips, "We'll be fine and dandy! It's just a small body of water, nothing like crossing the English Channel that's for sure. Just get some rest now, we need to be up early in the morning, love." And with that being the end of your conversation, you both gave each other a good nights kiss and went to bed.


The two of you woke up early, gathering the important belongings you both packed to take with you. All small things, and few in quantity: you carried everything in a large purse and picnic basket. Your plan was if anyone questioned where the two of you were going or what you were doing, you were having a picnic. Everyone would be doped up on Joy they wouldn't think twice about anything. The two of you headed out to go to the spot where you two hid the boat, having some small talk with some of the people you knew, some you didn't really know too, as not to seem suspicious.

Once you reached the boat, you quickly and quietly uncovered it and got everything ready to leave. You had so much excitement, fear, joy, uncertainty, and butterflies in your stomach right now, you didn't know how to explain it. Once everything was ready the two of you got in, and your dear, favorite Bobby started up the engine.

It ran! "It runs hun! It actually runs!" you said excited grabbing his arm and kissing him, but you were cautious to be quiet enough so no one would hear you screaming with excitement.

"Bloody hell, it does! Let's get out of this hell hole, shall we?" he said kissing you again.

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