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THE STUDIO WAS BUSTLING as the movie was nearly ready to be premiered and final scenes were being filmed.

Ben and I have been together for a couple months now and I'm having a blast him, he's everything I could've wish for in a boyfriend.

Someone grabs my shoulder, knocking me out of my thoughts and I'm handed a smallish card with gold printing on it. It read;


I gasp, I've never been invited to something like this. Yes, I've been to a few class parties but this tops them all.

"Exciting, isn't it?" Ben's voice still sends shivers down my spine, "Yeah, I can't believe it's nearly finished though, I can't imagine not seeing Rami, Joe, Gwilym and Lucy everyday."

He looks offended, "What about me?" He fake gasps, "Yeah, I'll have had enough of you by then." I joke, kissing him.

"PDA people!" Joe shouts, walking past us, before going onto set, I giggle. "You look really hot with long hair." I bite my lip which I know will send him wild, "You should keep it."

He shakes his head, "You love my short hair." I nod, "I do, I must admit, your honour."
He laughs, "You're such a weirdo."

"Now, go film rockstar." I wink, pushing him lightly towards the set.

The rest of the day consisted of me watching the cast film, helping out here and there and distracting Ben, the director loved it. I'm surprised I haven't been chucked out yet.

"And Cut." The director signals the end of filming for the day and Lucy rushes over to me. "I see you got yours then." She motions to my invite.

I nod. "Yep, we need to go shopping." She grins, "Yes! Let's get some killer outfits." I raise an eyebrow, "I'm free tomorrow?" I ask and she nods, "It's a date."

"What's a date?" Ben wraps his arms around my waist, protectively, "We're going shopping." He rests his head on my shoulder, "Oo, can I come?" I roll my eyes, "No, it's for the premiere, I want my dress to be a surprise." He laughs, "Okay, okay!"

He looks at Lucy, "Make sure it's sexy." He squeezes my bum and my eyes go wide, "Ben!" I smack his arm and he runs off, giggling to himself.

I'm staying at Ben's tonight as he lives quite closely to Lucy's so it'll be easier to meet each other tomorrow.

"When even is the premiere?" I ask him, entering the kitchen, "Hmm, in a few weeks I think, we finish filming in two weeks." He wipes a fake tear from his eye.

"It's gone so quick." I say, thinking deeply, "I know, it's been the best times of my life though," He admits, "Especially with you." I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, "You're so sweet." He blushes, "I am not sweet!" I put my hand over my mouth, laughing, "Sorry I forgot you hate being called sweet."

"Is that my jumper?" He asks, looking down at his old blue nike hoodie I had stolen, "Noooo?" He smirks, taking a step closer to me, "I think it is."

Before I know it he's chasing me round his flat before he eventually catches me up. He puts his
arms around my waist and picks me up before placing me down on the bed and kisses me.

He deepens the kiss and his lips make their way down to my neck, "Ben..." He smiles before getting under the covers with me.


IM SO SORRY i can't do smut for shit so yay

and btw if there's anyone reading this outside of the uk if you're wondering what a jumper is, it's just a hoodie but we say jumper in the uk (at least i do)

anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter huns xxx

SOMEBODY TO LOVE - BEN HARDYWhere stories live. Discover now