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nov. 5th, 2038.
sunny with a high chance of rain in the afternoon.
9:40 a.m.

With Walt at his side, (y/n)-for the first time- attempts to walk with his crutches. "Walt, this is dumb," (y/n) complains, looking him in his eyes.

"Nothing is 'dumb'." Walt pauses watching another android walk into Bellini's paint store. "Besides you need to exercise your legs, you haven't walked for almost four weeks."

"Hmph," (y/n) mumbles something inaudible under his breath but nonetheless follows Walt's guidance. The android walks back out of the store and yet again Walt is drawn to look at him. "You like what you see, Walt?" (y/n) chuckles. Walt snaps his gaze from the android to (y/n).

"What?" he asks, his eyes daring to look back to the android.

"You watched that guy go into the paint store and watched him come back out, do you think he's attractive?" (y/n) flashes his pearly whites.

"No, I mean- I don't know!" Software Instability pops into his analytics the second time that day.

"Let's see if we can catch up with him before he leaves!" he prompts Walt to move ahead of him. "I'll catch up!" he yells. Walt walks just a few feet ahead of (y/n), trying to both please him and keep him safe. "Walt, walk faster!" he huffs. "I know you can!" Walt separates himself from him with two more feet of distance.

Walt spots the android he's so intrigued with getting pushed by protesters. Walt immediately intervenes with (y/n) stumbling behind. Now both androids are being harassed as (y/n) gets himself involved. "Hey," he yells, clutching his crutches. "Don't touch them!" he tries to put out his hand to one of the aggressors and falls to the ground along with the two androids. A policeman steps between the crowd and helps (y/n) up. 

"All right, everyone break it up. He-" the policeman points to (y/n). "Can press charges and if you damage any of the androids you'll be fined." the policeman stands tall and makes direct eye contact with the main aggressor, a man with a topknot and beard. 

(y/n) walks toward the two androids, ignoring what the aggressor has to say, "Hey, are you guys, alright?" he asks and Walt walks closer to him.

"Yes, thank you for your help." says the bald, green-eyed android.

"Sorry about those guys," (y/n) chuckles nervously. "Just remember not all humans are like that." he turns back to Walt but suddenly turns back to the other android. "Oh!" he calls. "My friend here-" he puts his hand on Walt's shoulder but Walt puts his hand over (y/n)'s mouth. 

Walt speaks up, "Goodbye and sorry!" Software Instability.


"Hey (y/n)," Walt's LED flashes yellow then goes back blue. "Why'd you try to talk to that android for me?" Software Instability.

"Because I love you and you deserve love. You're a person even though others say differently. Your people deserve to be free and considered alive. You're not just a machine and neither are all other androids." (y/n) confesses calmly and reassuringly. He puts his hand on Walt's shoulder. "I know you're not just my servant or whatever the fuck. You're a person, Walt. Don't forget that. Never forget that." he pats his shoulder then begins walking again. "Let's go home, I need to catch up on paperwork," he adds still walking.


Markus steps off the bus and walks up the driveway to Carl's house. "Welcome home, Markus." the house greets. Markus sets down the package then turns the android birds on. He walks upstairs and into Carl's bedroom. He opens the curtains and Carl groans putting his arm up over his eyes. 

"Good morning, Carl." Markus greets. 

"Good morning." Carl greets back.

"It's 10 a.m. The weather's partly cloudy, 54°, 80% humidity, with a strong possibility of afternoon showers." Markus informs the older man.

"Sounds like a good day to spend in bed," Carl replies with a chuckle.

"I did go to pick up the paint you ordered." Markus walks over to Carl's bedside.

"Oh yes, I'd forgotten!" Carl exclaims. "That is the difference between you and me, right Markus?" Carl adds. "You never forget anything.." 

Markus seemingly ignores Carl's comments, "Show me your arm please, Carl."

"No," Carl says a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Carl..." Markus drawls. Carl puts his arm out. "Thank you."

"I just opened my eyes and I'm already gritting my teeth," the two smile softly at one another. Markus begins to administer Carl's medicine. "Humans are such fragile machines.." Carl starts again. "They break down so quickly." Carl deepens his explanation. "All this effort," Markus looks at Carl, intrigued. "To keep 'em going."

"What happened to your clothes?" asks Carl.

"Oh, it's nothing," Markus answers. "Just some demonstrators in the street, Carl."

"What a bunch of idiots,"

"Well, there was one man and another android who intervened." 

"Really?" Carl says. "A smart man, I bet."


"Walt! Walt, my leg!" yells (y/n). "It- it hurts real bad, can you get me the muscle relaxers?"
"I'm coming, (y/n)!" Walt bustles around the kitchen, looking through pill bottles and cold medicine. "I have it!" Walt rushes up the stairs and into (y/n)'s bedroom.

Walt hands over the medicine and takes a seat on the armchair in (y/n)'s room. "Thanks." (y/n) flashes a curt smile at the android. 

Walt looks over the room scanning several pictures and paintings. "(y/n), who's that?" He points to a picture on the nightstand.

"That's Care, don't you remember I told you about her?"

"I never saw a picture of her."

"Oh." (y/n) desperately wants to change the subject. Just thinking about Care would make him cry. The thought of her no longer being with him and only ever seeing her through pictures made him miserable. The silence between him and Walt was usually comfortable but now it felt unbearable. "Walt, can you make lunch?"

Walt simply nods and walks down the stairs.

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