Part 5 -He calls me

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I was at home thinking should I do a quick shower or not before Hunter calls me. Mann I thinking like we going to have sex or sum , even tho that would make my fucking year of best of all years.

I decided to take a shower any way and layed a black long sleeve shirt with camo stretchable jeans and black Nike's with white socks.

While I was taking a shower I was thinking about a lot of questions.

Why would he invite me to his house?

Shouldn't we go to a library?

Was it just me he invited or he invited the whole group without me knowing?

Would his parents be there?

Does he have siblings?

If we are alone should I finally tell him about my long time crush on him?

Would he accept my feelings or reject them?

How would he think of me if I still has this crush on him and I was dating another?

I came back to reality when the water ran cold in my shower so I stop thinking and put those thoughts in the back of my head and continued getting ready.

I know , I'll just have to wing-it

When I about to put on my pants I got a call and "Crush😘😍❤❤" popped up on my phone screen with an android ringtone. Yes I have one because I really can't afford an iphone and I feel like I'll break it because I drop my phone quite a bit.

I hurried and slip my pants on and rushed to my phone sitting on my dresser on its changer.....but my dumbass fell on my bean bag chair trying to rush to the phone and not looking at where I was going.

I quickly got back on my feet and headed for my phone. I took a deep breath and answered.


"Hi Shayla are you ready?"-Hunter

" uhhh yea I'm ready "- I said as I was looking at how my natural hair was still over the place , my shoes aren't on and no shirt is on either and my pants aren't zipped.

"Okay I'll come over to pick you up in five minutes"-Hunter

Wait WHAT?!!?!?

I'm not even ready and he's going to be here in FIVE MINUTES!!?!

"Oh you don't have to do that" panicked started to settled in my body because he was going to be here and I was not ready.

"It's fine, I was out getting something from the store and decided now would be a good time so be ready Shayla and by the way what is the address to your house"-Hunter

I blushed and gave him my address to my house.

" I'll see you in five then"

"See you then"-Hunter

I hung up and started speeding across and back around my room to get dress and I put my hair in a high puff and and hoops. I usually had hoops on with my puffs so yea.

There was a honk outside indicating that Hunter was here. I ran down stairs ready to go to Hunter's house with my backpack and supplies that I need. I had already told my mom about me going to Hunter's house an she said okay but before I left out the door she grabbed me and pull me a little back but not in a harsh way.

" Hold in sweetie turn around so I can give you something, you might need it."-Mom

I turned around so she can put wherever she think I needed but I will check later to see what it was.

"Okay mom I'm off"

"See you later tonight baby work hard" -Mom

I step outside to see Hunter leaning on his Lamborghini Huracan car which was crazy expensive.

I didn't know he was rich


He opened the door for me and greeted me back. He went around the front and hopped in the driver's seat and drove off to his home.

I notice when we were driving we were getting further and further out of the city to where it was more trees and just more nature and thought its because he might just like peace without having neighbors all in your business. I thought it was nice to live out in between the trees and away from the city.

We arrived at his home and

It was huge with two fountains in front of the big beautiful mansion he live in. I mean it was really huge and wide and probably had about up to a 100 rooms but I'm just guessing here.

Who are these people and what business do they do.

Hunter drove down a path that seem to go around the front second fountain. He parked in front of the stairs leading up to the beautiful wood dark brown doors with handles that would cost me more than my fat body parts would make. Shit they probably cost more than celebrity's lives today and it was just the door handles.

The car came to a stop and Hunter opened the door for me and I gave him a smile. He lead me up the stairs and took out his keys and opened his door for me and I slowly walked inside amazed by the beauty inside of the mansion. Everything inside was beautiful but I felt so out if place and here is me in this gigantic, beautiful, expensive house and me in basic $20 clothes that you can find in CitiTrend.

"Welcome to my home"-Hunter

He was brought back to my attention.

"Its beautiful and amazing"

"Yea but let's head up to my room"-Hunter

" uhhh yea" I blushed

When we made it to his room I wasn't so sure I'll be able to take myself back to the front door alone without getting lost.

We walked in and Hunter sat on his luxurious bed and I walked to the other of the room to his computer desk and sat down in the chair.

"What should we do first?"

"Mmm you can start on the math problems and I'll just write the paper deal?"-Hunter

" yea I love math but not so much as the writing anything "

I stop talking and got to work and we both were done with the whole project.

The other two sapsuckers didn't even need to do anything

"Hey can I ask a question"-Hunter
He asked while looking off into space.

" Sure"

I was curious as what he had to ask me because you know why would he want to know anything about me because its me, you know?

"Why are you dating Ceil?"

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