Part 22- I got my license!

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I had been talking to Mick for a while now waiting for my ticket number to be called. We were getting really well getting to know each other like he has a big family, two younger twin sets of sisters, three older brothers, and one little brother. He showed me a picture of his little brother which he was so darn cute but he didn't show me the rest of his family, he didn't say anything about his parents either so I thought they pass away and he just didn't want to touch the subject. Mick seemed to be a nice person to me and we were getting along so I told him about myself. He wanted to know a lot about me but I just shrugged it off and told him which lead to us becoming friends really quickly.

"B235 at window 9, B235 at window 9" the lady at window nine called out my number.

I texted my mom to tell her to be on her way really quickly before trying to go to window nine with all my work.

My elbow was grabbed before I could make my walk to window nine, "wait I really like you as a friend and wanna talk more, so can I have your number?" Mick ask me as he spoke fast.

I like Mick as a friend too so I gave him my number by telling it to him.

"I'm only saying it once so if you don't got it then too bad" I said in a jokingly manner and licked my tongue out at him as I walked to window nine with my papers.


I took my test and Ace the joint, my mom showed up a little late for the driver's part but the instructor got in the car, with me in the driver's seat and the man in the passenger and my mom in the back. He just had my drive around the hospital and to park back at the DMV. I passed and was rewarded with my license but had to wait thirty more minutes for it, after that me and my mom left.

12:08 afternoon

My mom and I came back home, she changed clothes and said she'll be going to get her hair done and then go out with friends so I need to cook dinner for my brothers. I told her okay and went to the freezer and took out some breast chicken.

I started to watch One Piece on my TV which is a great anime when I received a text from a number I don't know.

"Did you pass? From Mick the guy you gave your number to."

I saved his number and texted him back, "Yes I did and wassup😁"

He replied quickly, "Good job and nothing but hungry."

I was hungry too, but before I could reply I got another text from "BAE❤😍"( Hunter), it read "No school, love?" I texted him first, "it's just that I had to get my permit and license, Finally!" And I then replied to Mick ,"then eat something."

Hunter texted me, " It's lunch want to get something?", I replied quick with a 'yup' with food only on mind and then I remembered we haven't talked and my fingers started to shake a little bit because I haven't talked to him about my doubts.

Then Mick texted me asking do I want to get lunch with him, I had to reply, "sorry but I can't, going with Bae😁" his reply-"😔" I replied and told him he'll be fine.

Hunter texted me "omw" (on my way) and I ran into my closet looking for something good. I changed into black leggings, black UGGs, black hoodie because it is chilly outside I also grabbed my black purse that comes over across your body and put all my needed items in the purse. I walked into my bathroom made sure my hair looked okay and put lip gloss on my lips and a little mascara, went down into the living room waiting on Hunter.

He arrived after ten minutes and I went outside my house locking the door and walking to his truck with a nervous feeling coming up.

I walked around the truck to the passengers seat side and hopped in.

"H-Hey "I said nervously.

"How you doing, love?" He responded

God I love his voice

"I'm good but where are we going?" I sniffed the air.

Damn that's him, smelling so good

I can't make contact or I will melt

Why is this happening to me????

"Hmm......where do you wanna go?"

"Just something quick like......I want Chick-fil-A "

"Ight, love"

He starts to drive into Chick-fil-A's direction.


Hunter pulls up in the drive thru ordered our lunch, paid for it, and pulled off back towards my house.

As we pulled up, "Love, what was up with you the other day?"

"What you mean?" I spoke thinking when was the other day.

Is he talking about when I was upset

My heart started to beat faster.

"When I brought you to me home and you stayed overnight with me"

"Uhhh.... I actually wanted to talk you after you were done with class"

"I can skip, so we can talk"

"But you can just go back and we'll talk after okay, bye" I hurried as I hopped out the car with food and tried to speed walk to my house.

I heard a car door close behind me and took a quick look back as I was unlocking my door with my food in my other hand. I pushed open my door as there was a sudden breath gliding across my neck and I felt all my little hairs stand up at once.

I kept hearing heavy breathing from behind me.

Man my heart is racing

Im too scared to turn around

Is this really Hunter?

Why the fuck am I so scared to turn around???!?

Did I just piss him off?

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