Part 45: A step closer

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I get up off the floor and Ceil reaches his hand out to help and I accept it. I'm up off the floor and standing again, he reaches for me to begin to examine my injury but I saw move his  hands away.
"Stop" but his pestering continues and I am now irritated and I shove at him though he doesn't move. "Why the fuck are you caring so much , Ceil!" He stops his movements. "Why are you so stuck on me and only me? Why do try so hard to get with me and you know I love someone else? Why are you trying to have a family with me so badly? Why do you want a baby from me so badly and not someone else? What do you not get when someone does not want to be with you?" He holds my shoulders from arm length apart and gives me a tight-lipped smile. " It's all because I love you Shayla. I would give you the fucking world if it meant you would stay in my arms." He brings me in for a hug as I let my arms stay limp to my sides. His body is not warm but it's cold and I don't like it, I want to kill this man where he stands, but at the moment I'm not.

It's not his fault the way he was born to think

I think he just has a couple of screws lose in his head and just need help

I feel so sorry for him, he just needs to be in a hospital

After a moment I say,
"You never apologize for killing my loved ones" I say under my breath.

" Well my Shayla should listen to directions" I push at him hard and our bodies move apart.
"Fuck you!" I scream at him and I turn on my heel ready to go back upstairs and I feel him reach out towards me.
"No! Wait... I like the hug.." I stop and look at him.
"Then why kill my parents, they had nothing to do with this" I swing my arms up to represent everything.
He looks to be scrambling his brain as to why bring my family into this, I stop him right there.
"Ceil you need serious help"
His eyes connect to mine, " I don't need help so don't say that, I'm fine" he taps his chest to represent that he is okay. "Yes you do, something is wrong with you, to have done all of this" I swing my arms up again. "No, I'm fine" he walks close to me again. "Now let's get this healed" he eyes at my neck, it feels sore and knowing it has changed from its original color to one that's not so pretty. I felt as I would die when he grabbed hold of me. Ceil takes out his phone and begins texting someone.

I turn my body and go upstairs to lay down, my body feels drained. I make it to the room and lay down in the big bed and get comfortable. My mind takes me into a light slumber because I open my eyes back up when I hear voices talking beside the bed. It was a girl with white skin and freckles, she had brown hair with blonde tips, her green eyes make contact with mine.
She gets out a small light from her bag and shines it in both of my eyes and puts it back up. She then holds her hands above my neck and a green light appears, it made my body feel warm and better about everything. She stops and grabs her bag, then turns to Ceil.
"She will be fine, and call me next week to check to see if she is pregnant yet, this pregnancy should go pretty fast considering you are a vamp so it should be a total of six and a half approximately. You'll know she is pregnant when her first fever hits, and don't be surprised if she gets that fever tomorrow or the day after, again this pregnancy will hit her like crazy," she begins walking to the room door but she stops, " and oh do call me before she hits her third month, I need to be here when you turn her, got it?"
Ceils nods and escorts her out, I quickly get out of bed to see how she gets out, I follow them all the way down to the living room, and they go straight through the bolted door without out opening it or anything. I get close to the door and stick my hand out to go through but it doesn't and just seems like a regular door, I move to the window and look out to see the lady get in her car, her and Ceil still talking and then she shut her car door and drives off, Ceil turns and begins coming back to the house, so I quickly go back up stairs and get in the bed.

Ceil comes into the room and lays down beside me, so I turn the other way. "So do you have any names for him or her?" He pulls my body to his with me still facing away from him. I shove my elbow into his ribs but it doesn't bother him one bit and I groan out my annoyance. "Leave me alone" I grumble. He squeezes me a little tighter, "no Shayla you have to start thinking about this now because she said you could be pregnant tomorrow with a very small baby, our baby" I don't know what's wrong with me but thinking about myself pregnant made a twitch of happiness inside me spark but my mind reminds me the baby is with Ceil and that twitch of happiness immediately goes out.
"So what name?" He nudges me. I groan and shove him back. "I don't know, now can I be left alone" he immediately responds back with a "No" and pulls me in closer. "Let me go you're cold" I try to get out of his hold.
"No Shayla, you should just accept me and this coldness now and forever" I couldn't believe I once thought he was cute and now he is nothing but a killer. There is silent and then my stomach growls loudly. I feel Ceil instantly stand out of bed. " That's right you haven't ate for a long time, what can I get you?"
My mind goes straight steak and potatoes with asparagus on the side. "I want steak, mash potatoes with gravy and some asparagus and I want lemon water too" it sounds expensive but I don't care, if he wants my acceptance then he is going to get anything for me while I'm here. On that thought, " I also want a Netflix, Hulu, and crunchy roll, uhhh... and more pillows and one more thing I want a cute ass puppy"
"If I bring all that, can I get something in return?" I sit up fully and stare into his eyes. "Boii you have the audacity to ask something from me when you are the very reason I am here, No! Now go get my shit" I point towards the door. Comes to get close to me, and push out his lips, "what about a kiss?" I back my head away, "No nigga, you're going to get me what I want regardless, now go"
He pouts.

He can pick that lip up and get me what I want

I point to the door again. He moves to the door and stops. He turns his head and winks at me. " Wait for me bae"I hurl a pillow at his direction and I try to lay back once I know his presence is gone.

I miss everyone
I miss my brothers, Jay and my other friends
And most of all I miss Hunter
Hopefully I can find a way out of here soon


I look around the pack house for Luke  and I find him on the training grounds helping out the pack members and their fighting tactics. "Luke!" I called out. He turns his head and jogs over time me.
I greet him with a pat on the back. "What's up man" he asks, "You and Hailey?" He shakes his head no, "Nope, not a chance" he tells me, but I know what I heard.
"You sure dude?" I questioned, he nods while giving me that straight face and that's how I know he is hiding something, he always does that when we were younger. "Alright" I pay him again, "We really need to catch up together, I haven't seen you in years my friend" I say to get off the subject of him and Hailey. "I agree we should, I miss you bro" " yeah, now go do some good" I try to play off.

We separate and I go in search of Olivia to see if she has had any luck with getting visions.


"Any luck with anything?" I ask her in her art room. "I actually do alpha" she sets down her book. " I found someone who specializes in transportation, a witch as a matter of fact and she is willingly to help, she said she may be able to transport something to the room of the vision I drew.

Alright this is a start!

Mark: wait for us Mate...

You guys were asking for it so don't mind the mistakes (Author😘)

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