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Harry woke up the next morning, a bead of sweat running down his forehead due to the nightmare he'd had. It was the same nightmare he's had for the past month, and he woke up when the dream got so intense his body couldn't take it anymore and forced him to get up. Usually he would wake up too early like around 3 am, it was terrible to do so on school nights because then he'd be alone with his thoughts. When he's alone with his thoughts he can't even close his eyes without seeing the outline of the figure that reached out to him, calling him for help and every single night, he never could reach back.

Harry took a glance at his alarm clock, the time reading 7:35 am and at this Harry's eyes widened and shot out of bed and went straight to his wardrobe. Not caring how he looked due to the fact that school started at 8 and Harry's bus arrived at 7:50. Now you'd think that since Harry's parents are really rich that he'd have his own car, and he does but Harry would never drive it to school. He had a slight fear of driving because of the traumatizing car accident he had when he was 13. The accident left a scar under his chin, and an even bigger one on his back. It nearly ran from his top left shoulder blade to the middle of his spine. This lead to him never taking his shirt off in public, not even at the beach. Too afraid that people would ask questions.

Grooming himself in only 7 minutes that means he had 8 to eat breakfast. Harry's house was full of maids, but Harry couldn't care less for his parents money, so when one of the maids offered him breakfast he politely declined and grabbed a yogurt from the fridge and ate it quickly. Not finishing as he saw a flash of yellow from the school bus driving down his street. He grabbed his backpack and ran out the door. He had made it just in time as the bus stopped in front of his house and he hopped on. Harry secretly hopped that he would get over his fear of driving, so he wouldn't have to deal with the people obsessed with him on the bus. As soon as he stepped foot in the bus everyone called him over to sit with them, the girls with the fake extensions that had basically shoved their flat chest in his personal space hoping that it would affect him, and the guys that wanted to befriend him for his money.

Harry was oblivious that he was the most popular guy in school, but he wish he could go back to the times where everyone ignored him and thought of him as a nobody. In middle school, he remembers the guys that bullied him, shoved him, and teased him for how he dressed. Once he got sick of it, his mom and dad got a job opportunity in Spain, and he moved away, long forgotten. He was gone for 3 years and over the time, puberty hit Harry, hard. Harry's voice got deeper, and he started working out more causing him to get buffer. Also due to what seems like a never ending summer there, Harry got tanner, making his eyes pop. When his parents jobs got moved to Cheshire, nobody recognized him, and when school started he was the talk of the school. He remembers his first day back, how the girls gossiped and giggled and the guys stared in jealousy, some in awe. He let it all soak in and at the time he felt awesome, he still does but it's not the same.


Getting off the bus Harry walked into the school and put on the persona that fooled everyone except the teachers and a few people. In school, Harry was a massive fuckboy, he got all the girls and guys, was a complete dick and destroyed anyone who got in his way. In reality, Harry was a sweetheart who got good grades, but no one had to know that. 

"Harry! Mate, what's up it feels like I haven't seen you in forever," one of his actually friends, Liam, patted him on the back.

"Hey. Yeah I've been busy and shit," making sure no one was looking, "it's just I've been trying to convince my parents that I want to major in music and not sports. They just don't listen, and it's been stressing me out," he sighs.

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