Part 35

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Fred arrived as promised before breakfast, and we made our way to the Great Hall together.

I was greeted by the happy faces of Ron, Harry, Ginny and George, who were all sitting near the end of the Gryffindor table.

My arm was all fixed up and was taken out from the fabric sling, while Madam Pomfrey reminded me to not be so clumsy as I left.

"Morning." Fred and I said to the four as we sat down.

"Better mood today, mate?" George asked his brother, winking at me.

Fred just gave him a playful punch and laughed. I let myself get distracted, glancing over to the Slytherin table.

Draco was already staring at me with a small smile tugged onto his lips. Smiling suited him.

"Hey, Mia, this nootella stuff's here!" Fred noted, smelling it cautiously.

"It's nutella, love." I corrected, taking it from him and smearing a knife full onto a piece of toast.

Chit chat was passed around, including talk of quidditch between Harry, Ron and Ginny, and conversation of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes by the twins.

Now and then Draco and I exchanged smiling glances, while I thought about how to tell Fred about Draco and I's new friendship. Thinking about it for a while, I eventually decided I would wait to tell him.

After breakfast, I checked my timetable to see my lessons for today. Fred peered over my shoulder with a curious look on his face.

"Potions with the Slytherins first.." He said disapprovingly.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Fred, please be mature. Dra- Malfoy isn't a terrible person just because he likes me." I muttered, although audible enough for him to hear.

"True, but there's other reasons why he is a bad person." Fred sneered.

I ended the conversation with a quick goodbye kiss on his lips and got up, insisting I get to class earlier than Harry and Ron.

I once again looked towards Draco, who was almost mirroring my exact movement, rising from the Slytherin table as I did from the Gryffindor. I walked out of the hall, and of course was met by Draco.

"Good breakfast, Granger? Seems you and Weasley were getting cosy." He pointed out, taking my arm and making me walk at a faster pace.

"Oh shut up, Malfoy." I said, failing to push him away.

"Hey, only I can say the last names around here." He told me as we jogged down the stairs leading to the dungeons.

"Oh, and you're working with me today." He added.

I shot him a questioning look. "Excuse me? I can name about 100 reasons why that's a bad idea." I retorted.

Draco came to a halt half way down the dungeon corridor, and turned me so I was facing him.

"Okay, go." He said, deliberately breathing in my face.

I stood up straight, forcing him to step away slightly.

"Firstly, Harry and Ron will wonder why I'm willingly working with a ferret like you." I teased, curling one side of my mouth up. "Secondly, they don't know that we are..friends." I continued, struggling to say the word friends. "Thirdly, they are likely to tell Fred, and I'd rather do that myself." I finished.

Draco watched me with hard eyes, then leaned in so his mouth was next to my ear.

"I don't care." Was the last thing he said before dragging me into the Potions classroom.

The One I Want, or The One I Need? Fremione/DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now