Shooting 2

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Three weeks later

Chris: hey Tom how's your foot?

Tom: very well it's three weeks of vacation my done a very big good

Chris: all the better, for the stage I left it as such it will just take you back where you stopped

Tom: no worries

Chris: you would not have seen Rebecca

Tom: not for three weeks

Chris: so with Reb it's still not arranged

Tom: no she needs space so I'm waiting

Chris: do not wait too long otherwise you risk losing it once and for all

Tom: I know

Simon: hey guys how are you

Tom: listen really well and you

Simon: awesome, it's a little vacation, it's a crazy good

Chris: good for you

Henry: So Tom, you're better

Tom: thank you very much

Chris: guys on the road we have to go

Simon: I did not see Rebecca

Chris: I tried to call her but she does not pick up

Tom: I'll call him

Tom calling Rebecca

Rebecca: yes I'm listening

Tom: Reb you are or

Rebecca: in my bed why

Tom: you forgot

Rebecca: Forget what

Tom: I shoot again today

Rebecca: shit I completely forgot

Tom: you're at home

Rebecca: yes

Tom: I'll pick you up in twenty minutes

Rebecca: ok to more

Chris: so

Tom: I'll go get her

Simon: all is well

Tom: yes do not worry leave without us we will join you after

All: ok

Tom part take a taxi and headed for Rebecca's house

Knock Knock

Rebecca: between I'm coming

Tom entered the house

Rebecca: make yourself at home

Tom: yeah

Rebecca (talking to herself): but you're stupid he lived three years in this house

Tom: is everything okay

Rebecca: Yes, just that I do not have any business that suits me

Tom: if you want I can lend you a sweat

Rebecca: yes I do not mind if you do not mind

Tom: on the contrary if I ask you is that it does not bother me

Rebecca: thank you I just finished my suitcase and we can leave if you are thirsty you can go take something in the fridge

Tom: thank you

Tom walked to the kitchen and paused on the photo frame there was

Rebecca: if you want you can take some pictures

Tom: no they are very good or they are

Rebecca: you know what I'll give you copies so that you get the letters at home

Tom: thank you

Rebecca: I'm ready we can go there

Tom: very good

Rebecca: in fact I have an appointment with the gynecologist next week I thought that will be good that you are the

Tom: if it does not bother you

Rebecca: you are the father of my child so you come

Tom: Okay I'll be here

Rebecca: I did not ask you but you're fine

Tom: I'm fine and you with the big

Rebecca: listen to the baby is doing well but since you no longer have at home there is a vacuum

Tom: I thought we were more together

Rebecca: That's right I just made a finding

Tom: if you need me I'm here you know

Rebecca: thank you

Driver: you have arrived

Tom: thank you

Tom took Rebecca's bags and headed for the hotel

Chris: here you are

Tom: sorry but there was traffic

Chris: hey Rebecca

Rebecca: how are you Chris

Chris: Well, I took you to a parental room there will be more than his

Rebecca: it does not matter

Chris: hold your keys we'll meet tomorrow at six o'clock downstairs

Tom: we'll be there

Tom: take the double bed I'll take the bed to a place

Rebecca: thank you

Tom: I'm going to take a shower I have it for five minutes after I leave you the place

Rebecca: no worries

While Tom was in the shower Rebecca turned on the TV and put the news
A few minutes later Tom sucks off the shower and went to his room

Tom: the bathroom and free

Rebecca: Okay

Rebecca showered and went to bed

During the night Rebecca got up from her bed and turned on the TV

Tom: it's not going

Rebecca: I did not want to wake you up

Tom: do not tend

Rebecca: I can not sleep

Tom: what's wrong

Rebecca: I'm stressing for tomorrow

Tom hugged her

Rebecca (in a small voice): you do not want to sleep with me just for that night

Tom: okay

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