Happy Birthday Rebecca

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Isaac: Tom look he's too sweet

Tom: yes

Tom talking to the dog: so how are you doing, he's giving you a little name

Isaac: yes I have ideas in mind

Tom: we'll let you mother choose

Isaac: Okay

At home

Rebecca speaking alone

How am I going to tell him that a baby no more I have my son
What makes it more than two hours since they left

Rebecca calling Tom

Tom: yes baby

Rebecca: are you or

Tom: we're coming

Rebecca: ok I need to talk to you

Tom: it's serious

Rebecca: yes

Tom: ok we'll be right now

end of the conversation

Isaac: it was mom

Tom: yes she has something important to tell me

Isaac: I think she's stalking for tonight

Ten minutes later

Dring dring

Rebecca: hey how are you going my loves

Tom: we're fine

Rebecca: Isaac you want to go to your room I have to talk to Tom

Isaac: nothing serious

Rebecca: no do not worry

Isaac: I'm going up

Tom: what did you want to tell me

Rebecca: Does having another child scare you?

Tom: no, no, I absolutely love children, why are you asking me for that?

Rebecca: I do not know it's to be sure

Tom: if you're worried about Isaac, I love this child

Rebecca: I love you

Tom kissed him too I love you

Tom: Issac you can go down

Isaac: I'm coming

Rebecca: Tom you heard from Chris

Tom: no why

Rebecca: he had to call you for the shoot

Tom: I'll ask him tonight

Isaac: I but what tonight

Rebecca: what you want

Tom: you can wear your black jeans with a white shirt

Isaac: very good idea

Rebecca: my loves I'll make a phone call I'll be back

Tom: Isaac Sa tells you we play PS4

Isaac: yes to Fortnite

Tom: still

Isaac: yes, go

On Rebecca's side

Michelle: hello

Rebecca: I talked to Tom

Michelle: So he told you what

Rebecca: he agrees to have another child

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