Chapter Three

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Chapter Three
Faith's PoV

I was back to square one, stood outside the gate with barbed wire with a piece of paper in my hand. Thinking what the fuck just happened.

"Anything you say" annoyance was clear in his voice now. "Would you get on your knees and stick my cock, in that pretty little mouth of yours darling?" He took a step closer to me as I took a step back "would you let me bend you over this table and fuck you senseless?" I gulp as he takes another step towards me, making me take a step back again. Only this time the back of my legs hit that table. He kept stalking towards me like a predator who had its prey in sight. He lifts up his hand towards my face and I automatically freeze closing my eyes and wait for the contact. I hear him sign and feel nothing, I peak my eyes open and he has his hands balled into fists at his side.

"Just as I thought, you don't belong here" my mouth opens to protest his words but he cuts me off before I have even started to talk. "Yet you seem to not want to give up, I guess that's something I can connect with." He walks back around the desk and opens a draw, pulling out a little piece of paper he hold it out towards me. "Be at this address tomorrow at 5pm, ask for Pam tell her that Hawk sent you." I reach out and take the paper looking down at it like it's my new lifeline. "Now get out of here, and if your wise, don't ever come back" he sits back down in his chair closing his eyes again. Grabbing my bag off the floor I stand up straight and walk towards the big wooden doors. Placing my hand on the door handle I turn to look over at him and he still has his eyes closed. "Thank you" his waves his hand in the air and a small smile tugs on my lips. I open the heavy wooden door and freeze for a second before I take a step out.

The place was exactly how I remembered it when I first walked in, it oozed sex. Everywhere you looked some form of sexual activity was happening. Shallow moans and groans could be heard over the light music that was been played. I could feel eyes on me tho, several pairs of eyes. But one really stood out, it was him them deep chocolate brown eyes that bore into my own. I looked into the full length mirror that was behind the bar he sat at. I looked into his eyes that held me captive and I felt an arousal that I had not felt before. I had to squeeze my thighs together to ease the aching discomfort that I was feeling between them. Then he moved his eyes away from me and the connection between us was snapped like an elastic band. I had not even noticed I was holding my breath till the gush of air flew out of my lips. I blink a few times coming out of my hypnotised state. Finally remembering how my legs worked I took a step forward and towards the door.

I was stupid and confused how could I have just walked in here throwing caution to the wind. But them eyes like melted chocolate called to me once more forcing me to turn around and look into them. As the door to the club closed behind me, cutting the connection between us.

Scar's PoV

I closed my eyes and all I could see was those big round green eyes they had been burnt into the back of my eyelids. I could still smell her in this office, could almost taste her in the air. Growling I shoot my eyes open when I hear the rest of the guys come inside. Hawk had called a few of us into the office to disused some business that had popped up. He sat behind his desk with a bored look on his face like always. I watched as Ace, Bear and Smiles walked in the door clicked closed behind them. Ace comes and sits beside me on the sofa, Bear went to the small window looking out into the morning light. Smiles just did what he always did, leaned against the wall playing with his switch blade.

"The warehouse got raided last night" this got all of our attention ever pair of eyes in the room fall on Hawk. "From what Dan has told me, everything had been taken before the cops broke down the doors." Dan was our inside man, our little squeal inside the police department. He was not a cop, no he only worked on the front desk but, a lot could be learnt from that position. "I'm not sure if I should be pissed or grateful that we got robbed before the bust took place." He leaned forward out of his chair and looked each one of us in the eye. "What I do know is that we got a lot of blow out there with our stamp on it, but it's in some fuckers hands that not ours." He stands up slamming his fist down on the desk. "What I do fucking know is that some ballsy bastard was brave enough to fuck with us, I want him found and tide up by his balls do I make myself fucking clear."

His eyes land on Ace, Ace was the brains in our club. Anything and everything to do with technology this man could use to our advantages. "I will check the cameras outside the warehouse gates, it's hidden well, they would not have seen it." Hawk nods at him and he gets up walking towards the door and out of the room. Bear is next to talk "how tight you want the rope around his balls prez?" This had Hawk laughing, Bear was just that a Bear. He was one tough son of a bitch, built like no other man in the club. Pure strength, but he had a soft side to him that you would never expect by how he looked. "Smiles, Scar when Ace comes back with his information I want you to collect our guest." Smiles looked over at me with a wicked glint in his eye, I could almost see the excitement running around in his head.

Smiles was a fucking psychopath no doubt about that in my mind, he was fucking crazy. The guy loved the kill, craved it. He was also the only man in this club that scared the living shit out of me when he lost it. But he was a brother and because of that I knew he had my back at all times. He had saved my ass more times then I could count on two hands and out of all my brothers he was the one I was closest too. He never talked much never needed to his reputation was known all over town. "Understood" I looked at Hawk and he nodded his head.

"Bear I have a totally different job for you tonight, I need you to go to Pam's, a girl will be turning up there around five make sure she get the job." He slumps down in his chair rubbing his hands down his face. "By girl do you mean that sweet ass that come into the club last night?" My eyes shoot up to look at Hawk, he just smirks. "Make sure she gets the job, I want to keep an eye on her, something in my gut tells me to keep her around."

I feel a tightening in my chest at the words that leave Bears lips next. "She suck dick that good huh" he laughs and so does Hawk I don't even stay in the room to find out his answer I feel rage bubbling in my veins. Grunting I stand up and walk towards the door grumbling to myself "what's taking Ace so fucking long." I know deep down inside tho that it's not Ace I'm annoyed with but my other two brothers in that office. I had to get out of there or I might have punched Hawk in the face. I shake my head and walk towards the bar grabbing a beer and taking a deep drink. What had fucking got into me, I had never been this wound up about some fucking pussy before.

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