Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven
Faith's PoV

I still hung onto him like he was my lifeline, still had my eyes closed and my head stuck in to his chest. He did not complain tho, he was gentle and tentative with me. The arm wrapped around my waist, featherlight kisses that caressed over my head. Something had changed between us the moment he kissed me it was no longer a need for each other. It was much deeper more powerful, a lifeline. He protected me with his own body, sheltering me from the non stop bullets. I could still hear them now that sharp whistle and loud bang. It had been my fault, he had come for me but this time he had decided to take my head. I knew I had to tell them, knew I had to pass the message on. Life's had been taken.

He carried me into the compound, I had been here before it looked much different in the daylight. Lifting my head up of his shoulder I look up at him. I could feel the anger coming of him in waves, he did not seem so affected by the shootout in fact non of them did . Not even Pam who had pretty much done nothing but go on about her club the whole drive over here. When he stopped to place me down on my feet he kissed the top of my head. Again he was so sweet with me, it was kind of strange to see. A big tough looking biker who touched something like it was the most delicate thing in the world.

"Place is on lockdown no one leaves without someone els, the woman and children don't leave at all" Hawk shouted out at the packed clubhouse. There was a lot of people in this too small bar. "Church" he shouts out and it's in that moment that it's clear to see why he is a leader. He demands attention and he sure seemed to receive it, the looks on the face of every person in this room shines with respect. He was going to kill me, I had cost him the life of one of his men and Lily. Oh god dear sweet Lily, she had dreams and hopes. And now they where gone because of me.

Taking a deep breath in I watch as each biker in the room heads into his office. Nervous and scared for my life I stepped forward placing my hand on Hawks arm. His head whips around then down to look at me. Even Scar looked down at me in question "I need to speak with you, it's important." I try to not show what I'm feeling inside reverting back to my old self "Please Hawk, you're going to want to hear this."

- "I'm advertising my client to not say a word, detective. You have nothing to hold her on so unless you want a lawsuit shoved so far down your departments throat I suggest you release her" I looked over at the man that sat in the seat next to me. Smart expensive suit, well kept facial hair, a smart haircut. Even his hands look to be on a weekly manicure treatment. I had no clue who he was, never seen him before in my life. He however seemed to know exactly who I was. The detective seemed on edge but he still had a smile on his face. The moustache that curled slightly at the ends greying with age or stress. Curved up more when he spoke "we can hold her for 24 hours, that is our legal right." He leaned back in his chair smugly folding his arms over his rounded belly.

"Is that so detective, because I also think it's Faith's legal wright to be treated fairly in this situation. You have questioned her without reading her, her legal rights. You have not once informed her that she has every right to stay silence and is entitled to have legal representation." He shakes his head as he tapped his fingers on the table and sighs, like a parent scolding their teenage child. "Mr Donavan is your boss , correct." The detectives eyes visibly look shaken at his words "it would really be a shame when I have lunch with him this afternoon if I have to bring this conversation up to him." He starts to pack up his briefcase, not once looking up into the eye of the detective knowing he had already won this battle. "Now if you would excuse myself and my client, we will be leaving." He stands up fixes his suit jacket and then collects his briefcase in his hand.

He walks towards the door opens it then looks back at me. I stand up quickly still in a little bit of shock. But follow him out of the door, he stops by a vending machine in the waiting area of the station. Pulling out an envelope from his jacket pocket me turns to me "I suggest you don't leave town Faith or should I could you Mrs Towers." I step back away from him. No he's found me I frantically look around the room, just waiting for him to come around the corner. Gun in hand aiming for my head.
He passes the envelope to me and walks away. I drop into the nearest chair, my head falls into my hands as the envelope falls to the table. Written on the front of it reads in bold capital letters is two words. Black Eagles.

It's his hand writing, I could never forget it everything about that man was carved into my mind. He has found me and now there was no running. -

Scar's PoV

"Start from the beginning, like the very fucking beginning" Hawk pretty much had her sitting in the middle of the room. He was pissed of and she was getting the brunt of it. He did not trust her and it was killing me that all my brothers where looking at her like she was the enemy. I wanted to walk to her pull her into my arms and tell them all to fuck off. But I was hurt, after she had given that note to Hawk and he had passed it around to the brothers. You could feel the energy in the room switch. When I had read the letters on that piece of paper, something inside of me broke.

Keep my wife safe for me, she is a talented woman tho I'm sure she has shown her skill with that mouth of hers already. I would suggest that you get her on all fours and ride her like the bitch she is. Don't be fooled Hawk, she is much more then a pretty face.

Mr Towers

P.S I will collect her soon.

I knew the name everyman in this room did, any person who was on the wrong side of the law knew that name. Mr Towers was a well know drug lord, he was also the man behind our earlier robbery on the warehouse a few weeks ago. We had gotten his message back then, he was in town and he was not leaving until all the drug money was his. We had been hit at all of our locations over the passed few weeks the shooting last night was just another attack. Or so we thought but with this bomb been dropped on us. My mind and my heart where telling me it was something completely different.

"I. said .FUCKING TALK." Hawk roared the words. She jumped in her seat and my hands twitched into a fist. Her eyes glassy with tears. She looked up at him as her mouth opened. "It's not an easy story for me to tell, but if you want to know it all from the beginning." A single tear rolled down her cheek and my chest tightened.

"Then I will tell you."

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