Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight
Faith's PoV

I looked down towards my hands as I went back into my memories, things I had tried so hard to block out. These men that I had grown fond of over the passed few weeks had no trust in me anymore. Hawk looked at me with pure hatred, and I could not blame him. I hated myself for many years and I will continue to hate myself for many more to come if I lived after today. But that's not the reason for me opening up to them all, I know what they will see me as. And I'm sure not here to save my life, but it's for him, Scar. I need him to know the truth so he won't think of me as some spy or traitor.

"I was ten when I first ever saw him, his father used to visit my parent often. What I did not know back then is that they where making a deal for me, my life. My parents where drug addicts that could not pay of their debts." I squeeze my eyes shut as I think back to my younger years. "So they paid him off by selling their daughter to a well known drug lord. My name was Ivy Richard, daughter to Paul and Amanda Richard. The day they took me, I was told that I was going away to have a better life. It was nowhere near better." More tears ran freely down my face and I wiped at them angrily with my hand. "I was kept in a small room, with other children both boys and girl. Given very little food and forced to urinate in a bucket. I watched as new children would come and go, many years I was treated as a dog. Till I had gotten old enough for them to find some use out of me."

"I'm not sure how old I was when I was first taken by a man, I just remembered it hurting and there been blood. I learnt over time it hurt a little less if I stopped fighting. So I did, I stopped fighting and lay there, every night I took myself into my dream world. A place where I was still a child and had not been brutalised by men. It went on for years, different men each day. Sometime more then one at a time forced themselves on me. Dirty old men, who knew nothing about personal hygiene. Who knew nothing about been kind and gentle. Just rough, till I bleed or passed out from the pain." My hands form into fist in my lap. "Stop Faith, you don't need to go on" Hawk walked up to me bending down in front of me to look into my eyes. But I just fake smile at him and shake my head.

"Yes I do, then one night he came to me. Tears had run down my face as blood pooled between my legs. He was kind to me brought me food and wiped my tears when I cried. He did not look much older then myself and I knew who he was. I remembered him from when I was a child." I laugh bitterly to myself "I though I loved him and I thought he loved me. He would hold me at night bring me food and clothes. Kiss me and even made love to me, somewhere in my stupid young mind I thought he would save me." Oh had I been wrong very wrong. "Then one night, he come to me in a panic told me that his father had found out, you see I had been pregnant with his child. Of corse no working girl of Tony Towers would bear a child." Shaking my head at the memory "A doctor took a visit, I will leave out the details. Let's just say I'm no longer mother material."

"Peter Towers, I'm sure you all know him. Was a soft man at first, kind and gentle. And yes I am his legal wife. Faith Towers, a name he had given me." Standing up I don't even start to panic as I unzip my corset top." But he changed into something far worse then his father. A monster that unlucky for me I had to feel and witness it first hand." After I finished unzipping my top I ripped it from my body and thrown it too the ground. I'm left in nothing but a bra and denim shorts. "He tortured me for years, after his father died and he become the new drug lord. He changed become a man that I despised."

I turn around the room making sure that every man in it could see my scars could witness the deep red lines that marked the skin on my back and stomach. "You see Hawk, I never come here to spy or gather information from you. I ran from him, I got out. He let his men rape me and beat me for years. He is what I fear most, so whatever you decide to do to me. Just do it because it's nothing I have not already had done." I spit the words in his direction, I was angry, upset but most of all numb. My hands reach down as I start to undo the buttons of my denim short. I look into all of their eyes as I push them down my legs. My fingers slip into the lace of my underwear next "I can be a good girl let you all take your turn."

Scar's PoV

I'm stood frozen, my heart hammering in my chest, my woman she was broken in so many ways. Most of the men in this room could not keep eye contact with her. Then I hear her next words watch as her hands move to her underwear. "I can be a good girl let you all take your turn." I see red, no way in hell was I letting her do this, her broken voice. She had lost that little bit of light that I could always see in her. Darkness, all consuming.

I march across the room walking past Hawk, with three long strides I move towards her placing my hands over hers. Holding them in place, she's shaking, her whole body. "No more, Faith, no more" her hand drop to her sides, her head hangs low. I close my eyes as I pull her in closer to my chest, wrapping my arms around her half naked body. Bear walks up behind her a look of pure sorrow on his face. He had pulled the sofa covers of one of the sofas and draped it over her shoulders. I nod my head at him and he walks towards the office doors. Pulling them open and then walking outside, one by one each man in the room looks at me then leaves. They nod their heads it's a sign of respect towards her, they respect her for all she has been through. For everything and she's still standing, even if it's just a shell of herself that is left.

My brothers know the meaning of pain and loss. We have all felt it, suffered through it. That's what connects us all the most and in their eyes Faith, Ivy. Whatever this precious woman's name is has just made herself equal to a brother in their eyes. Last to leave the room is Hawk he places his hand on my shoulder and squeeze it tightly. No words need to be said, she seems to have done enough talking for today. But I see the look in his eyes as he looks over towards me before he leaves the room and it scream guilt.

As the door closes I pull her tighter into my body, she responds by wrapping her arms around me and hiding her face into my chest. Kissing her head whispering to her "no one is ever going to touch you again baby, I will give my life before I let them hurt you again, I promise that." She sniffles and looks up at me, her eyelashes wet from her own tears. "Please don't make a promise we both know can't be kept." The words sound dead even to my own ears as they leave her lips. Deep within my own heart, that promise is given and will be kept.

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