Mister Cookie

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"Come on princess, it's time to sleep."

My daddy said after reading me my bedtime story, like he does every night. Content and ready to sleep, I snuggled in my blue pillows and my white blanket.

The next day I felt really weak. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I wasn't afraid though. I mean, why should I? It's not like this is the first time. Mister Cookie visited me again today, wearing his usual white coat. I call him Mister Cookie because he always gives me cookies everytime he visits, which is practically everyday. He's probably the closest to a best friend that I have, considering that I'm rarely allowed out of my room and I haven't really met a lot of kids.

It's night now and my daddy is talking to Mister Cookie. I looked at the clock in my room and saw that it's already time for my bedtime story. Mister Cookie never stays here this late.
I looked at daddy again and noticed that he's crying. Mister Cookie looked sad too. After a few more minutes, they finally stopped talking. Their walking towards me now, with forced smiles on their faces.

"Hey princess, ready for your bedtime story? I'm going to read you your favourite tonight. Tada!" Daddy said as he showed me a picture book with the cover of Sleeping Beauty in it. I smiled and clapped.

"But before that, I have gift for you!" Mister Cookie said. I looked at him expectantly as he took out a cookie from his coat pocket. I was surprised because they never allowed me to eat one at night. "It's your price for being a good girl." I giggled at that.

Daddy read me my favourite story while I munched on my cookie. I feel really tired and sleepy, but I fought it because I wanted to hear the whole story.

"And they lived happily ever after. The end." Daddy finished the story. I was confused though, daddy started crying again and I even saw Mister Cookie shed a few tears. I wanted to ask them what was wrong, but I felt really sleepy now.

Daddy kissed me goodnight, with tears still running down his face.

"Come on princess, it's time to sleep."

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