- Chapter 17 -

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Justin's pov:

Barely a few minutes later I already heard Raegan coming down the stairs. I try to stop my tears because I hate him seeing me cry. I feel like a little baby.

"Justin, please stop crying." He says coming over to the couch. He sits down, and puts his hand on my knee. I move it off and turn the other way.

"Stop acting like we're perfectly fine because we aren't." I say wiping my face, not looking at him.

"I know we aren't fine, but I care about you. I don't want to see you cry." He says and I feel his hand on my hip.

"Stop touching me right now." I say turning to look at him. He moves his hand and nods, looking down a bit.

"Please don't be mad." He says. I roll my eyes.

"It's a little too late for that Rae." I say. "Can you just leave?" I ask nicely. His eyes widen a little.

"You want me to leave?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes I want to be alone."

"Okay." He gulps. "I'll text you later. And i'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow morning for the trip." He says standing up. I just nod, not wanting to talk to him.

He leaves without say another word and I lean back on the couch, frustrated. I don't want to cry over him, but I can't help it. I think he's worth it. But he doesn't want me.

The next morning, I wake up and shower. Then I get ready and have some breakfast downstairs.

"Raegan's here! Bye dad, bye Jenna." I yell and I see my dad come downstairs.

"Bye Justin, have a great time." He says and smiles. I smile back and walk outside to Raegan's car. I get in and look at him.

"Morning." I say. He smiles a little.

"Listen, i'm sorry for everything. I never wanted you to feel like you're nothing or that you're just a game for me. You're so much more than that." He says, and then I see him lift up his sleeve.

"My bracelet." I say, smiling a little.

"Do you want it back?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No it looks good on you, just please don't lose it." I say. He smiles, touching the bracelet.

"I won't. Let's go." I say and he starts driving to the school.

Once we get to school, we jump on the bus that isn't leaving for another ten minutes. As Raegan and I get on the bus I see Laura already staring at me. Raegan takes my hand and we go back Laura, sitting in the back. He puts me by the window and he sits next to me. It's a fancy bus, so the seats are individual but still close.

"You don't want to sit with Laura?" I ask looking up at him. He intertwined our fingers, smiling at me.

"No." He says. "I want to see how jealous she gets." He adds. That's all? I'm not surprised.

I lean my head on Raegan's shoulder and a few minutes later the bus leaves.

About an hour later we make it to the place. We all get off the bus, and I look up at the building. It's really beautiful, but it's so cold out. I hate the cold.

"Okay everyone!" A teacher yells out as Raegan and I grab our bags. "Two per room. Boys with boys and girls with girls!"

Raegan and I walk into the building, walking pack Laura. We go up to the room we got assigned. We open the door and my eyes widen.

"Woah." I say, stopping in my tracks to take a look at the beautiful room.

"I know right." He says putting his stuff down. I put my stuff down next to my bed.

"Okay my game is at about one. and then the rest of the day and night we can do whatever we want." He says. I smile and nod.

"Okay." I say. He grins at me a little and then looks away.

That night, while Raegan's game was going on, I was in the stands cheering him on. Everyone had comfy clothes on, I had a really soft beanie on. I cheered Raegan's name as he made about four touchdowns the whole game.

When the game ended, the our boys won, Raegan was walking to the locker room when he came up to me. He stared at me, and I just look at him. His hair was wet and floppy. He was still out of breathe a little. His face sweaty and his jersey making him look so good.

"Good Job Raegan!" I smile and jump in his arms. I don't care right now, i'm just happy they won and that he's happy.

"Thanks babe." He says and smiles. I let go of him and grin at him while my cheeks heat up. He shrugs. Laura is no where to be seen..

"See you back at the room." He winks at me and starts walking to the locker room. I walk up the hill with everyone else back to our hotel. I finally see Laura sitting outside, waiting for someone.

I walk past her and into the building. I go up to our room and open it with the card. I sit on the bed in the room and my heads starts spinning.

Raegan has been looking at me weird. It's different. He like examines my whole body? Laura wasn't even around when he called me babe. I don't think anyone heard him. I'm so confused, he confuses me!

I'm not assuming anything. I can't get my hopes any higher than they already are.

I get a text from Ryan, and I check my phone.

Ryan- Hey cutie

I smile at what he called me, but I didn't feel nearly as much as what I felt when Raegan called me babe.

Me- Hi Ryan. What're you up to?

Ryan- Nothing, I really want to see you. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow?

Me- Um yeah maybe

Ryan- If not, then Monday. I'll send you my address.

Me- That works, text you later.

Ryan- Bye Justin :)

"What are you smiling about?" I jump at a voice and I look up from my phone.

"Oh, nothing." I didn't even hear him walk in.

"Mhm." He says laying down next to me while i'm sitting up.

"There's another bed, if you didn't know." I say, chuckling at myself a little. He shakes his head.

"I don't care, I just want to sleep. Don't I get a victory cuddle?" He asks and my heart skips a beat.

"Uhh.." I mumble not knowing what to say. He takes his off his shirt and throws it by his bag. He keeps his boxers and shorts on.

"Come here." He says, lifting one arm. I shut off the lights and lay next to him. He puts his arm over my waist and snuggles his head into my neck. I smile a bit, at this cute, confusing moment.

"Goodnight." He says.

"Night. Good job again tonight. Thanks for taking me." I say smiling and he sees me.

"It's not over yet, but thank you." He says and my eyes get heavy. Before I know it i'm drifting into a deep sleep.

A little longer than expected but pretty cute no? I think so :) Love you all, comment and vote thankssss ❤️❤️❤️

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