- Chapter 34 -

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Justin's pov:

It's now Saturday morning. I heard from Raegan last night and we facetimed for a while, but I wanted to hang with him and it's already 12 o'clock. He's usually up by now and he hasn't even looked at my texts.

Me: Babe? Are you up yet?

*One hour later*

Me: Raegan? Where are you??

*Another hour later*

Me: I'm serious Raegan. Please answer me.

It's now three o'clock. Where could he be?

I quickly get dressed and go downstairs. My dad and Jenna are on the couch watching a movie.

"I'm going to Raegan's. He's not answering my texts and i'm worried." I say, slipping on my shoes.

"Good afternoon to you too." My dad says. I roll my eyes on him.

"I'm serious Dad. He's not usually like this." I say to him.

"Give him a bit of a break Justin." He says and I just look at him. I don't say anything and walk out of my house, getting in my car and driving to Raegan's.

I get out and see Raegan's car is in the driveway. What the hell? I go up and knock on the door. His mother answers a few seconds later.

"Justin, hi." She says, smiling at me. "Where's Raegan?" She asks. (I don't remember if Justin has met Raegan's mom yet but let's he has lmao thx)

"What? Where is Raegan?" I ask again, confused. She looks at me back, confused also.

"He texted me telling you were picking him up to go out today." She says and my eyes widen.

"We never planned that. I don't know where he is!" I say, starting to get nervous and anxious.

"Let me text him again-"

"I've tried, multiple times since 10 o'clock in the morning. Where the hell is he?!" I ask, kind of talking to myself.

"Here, come in." She says moving away. I get in and pull out my phone again.

"Hold on Mrs. Beast." I say clicking on someone's contact. She nods and goes upstairs to check Raegan's room.

Me: Ryan where are you?

Ryan: Home, why?

Me: I can't find Raegan. Do you know where he is?

Ryan: How would I know?

Me: Idk but i'm worried. Idk where he is!

Ryan: I couldn't care less Justin.

I roll my eyes and close my phone, as I look up I see Raegan's mom coming back down the stairs. She has something in her hand.

"What is that?" I ask, swallowing hard. She stares down at it.

"Raegan doesn't own this bandana." She says, still staring down at the cloth. I take it from her gently and stare at it. Holy shit.

This may sound stupid but Ryan wears bandanas and I actually like the way they look on him. This is Ryan's bandana. What the fuck!

"And there's a smell in Raegan's room that doesn't smell like him." She adds.

"I think I know where he is." I say grasping onto the bandana. "I'll keep in touch, and i'll be back Mrs. Beast." I say.

"Thank you Justin."

I practically run back to my car and get in, starting it up, and stepping on it until I reach Ryan's house. I get out and hang in his front door, and then I quickly hide the bandana in my jacket pocket.

"Justin!" Ryan smiles as he opens the door. I let myself in and stare at him.

"What are you doing?" I ask, casually.

"Oh, I was just watching some tv before you showed up." He says slowly getting closer to me. "I'm glad you came, I missed you." He wraps his arm around my waist and I flinch.

"Ryan, where is Raegan?" I ask and his face drops, it was almost a gut feeling I just got. Something is wrong and Ryan knows something. The way his face dropped gave me chills

"I don't know where Raegan is, I already told you this." He says sternly. "Why don't you just worry about me?" He adds, smiling innocently.

"Please, if you know tell me." I say pleading. He must know something. I have his bandana in my pocket for god sake. It was in Raegan's room, he wears it all the time.

"Come on baby, just enjoy some time with me. I'll make it worth while." He says, putting one of his hands on my face and looking into my eyes. He looks down at my lips and I just take his hand off my face.

"Stop, don't call me that." I demand.

"Why do you think I know where Raegan is? He probably ran away because he knows we belong together and you love me, not him." He smiles gently, running his fingers through my hair. Okay what is going on!?

"I don't love you." I say. His eyes squint a little at my words and has a straight face on now.

"Justin Justin Justin." He says with a pause between each time he says my name. "Raegan always told you how much he loved you didn't he. He loved to tell you how much you mean to him and how much he would die for you. Didn't he tell you that there's no one like you?" He says and then asks at the end.

"What is that your business. How do you know this?" I say seriously, backing away from him.

"Oh baby.." He says trailing off, crossing his arms. "Raegan never cared about you and he just wanted to make you feel special when he told you there's no one like you."

"Shut up." I say quickly. "You don't know shit."

"Oh but I do. If only you saw how much I loved you and how much I would die for you. I would kill for you to be mine and only mine." He says, getting slower with each word.

I get closer to him and bring my face close to his. I'm breathing a bit heavy, he's putting me on the edge right now. He's acting weird and the things he's saying makes him sound insane. He knows where Raegan is.

"Tell me where where the fuck my boyfriend is or you're face may never get a chance to heal." I say, my teeth clenched a bit.

"Is that a threat Justin? You won't hit me." The words come out of his mouth in a slow, painful manner. "And your precious boyfriend won't hit me either. Considering you don't even know where he is."

"You're lying!" I say loudly. "What are you when doing? I thought you liked me. I thought you wanted me. Why are you acting crazy right now?" I ask.

"That's the thing. I do like you. I do want you. That's why I go crazy over you." He says and it scared me a little. What the hell is he up to?!

"I'm going to ask you one more time, where is Raegan?" I ask and we just stare at each other, no emotion, nothing. He won't answer my god damn question.


I jump at the loud sound of what sounded like something falling. Ryan stays put in his place.

"What was that?" I ask. He stays quiet once again.


It blows my mind that i'm still writing Jaegan, I wish the same people would read it, my views have gone down 😭 But anyway comment and vote for this tea ☕️

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