Chapter 2

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(Disclaimer: I do not own Ein, Meko, Darren, Or Jackson. They are owned by the user @IsuckAtNamesHHHH, they are her ocs and she is letting me use them for my story. I own chrystal, Tex, Cherry twins, tonya, geo, and chissy)

(this is my first story, so please dont leave hateful comments. I dont want that all i want is constructive criticism and/or people saying my book is good or some shit. I dont know, just please only positive criticism)

*Darren's perspective*

Tex checked his watch. "Shit, Darren we gotta go, or else we'll be late." Tex got up and waived bye to Darren's friends and bolted to the pickup, with me close behind.

I jumped in, he did the same and we zoomed off. We got back to the university, and we both bolted to my drama class. "Why did you follow me Tex?" I asked, gasping for breath. He replied with I wanted to walk you to class. I said thanks and walked in.

*Tex's perspective*

I arrived at spanish class and sat, Chrystal sat next to me. "So, who's your new lover?" She asked.

I looked at her and told her I didn't know what she was talking about. She replied with yeah right with an edge of hate and spite laced in her voice. Class started and Chrystal went silent.

The teacher started her lecture and I wrote down some notes. I worked ahead on the notes and homework, because I already knew spanish, and it was easy for me. I got done with 15 minutes to spare and kinda dosed off.

"HELLO" Chrystal yelled, shaking me hard. I shot up, wiping my eyes. "Watzzat?" I replied. "Dude, class is over, your gonna be late for chemistry." I grabbed my bag and bolted out the door.

*Meko's perspective*

Oh its my turn, oh ok. Hya everyone, im meko, darren's best friend ever since we were little. I kinda like him, but i dont want to ruin the friendship we have, and im still searching for a gay fur myself. :3

'He seems odd, I have a bad feeling about him' I thought to myself, observing him while everyone worked. He was smart, and cute too. Ima keep my eye on him.

After spanish was over, both Darren and I had a free period, so we decided to get some lunch. "So, Darren what do you think about the Dragon Tex?" I asked, sitting in a booth at Applebees.

He sat down, madly blushing. "I like him, but I don't know if he is gay or straight. Every boy I come out to are straight, so I dont want to get my hopes up." He sighed, ears drooping down.

Ever since middle school, I was the only one who knew Darren was gay. I didn't mind it at all. I've been like a body guard of some sorts to him. Anyone who fucks with him has to go through me first.

I still remember the day he came out to me like it was just yesterday.

-------------------Flashback to 5 years ago--------------------

I was in the shower when I heard a knock. "Come on in Darren, the door is open." I yelled, drying my self off.

"H-how did y-you know i-it was m-me?" He said, obviously freaked out by something. "Dude, your the only one who knocks when your over here with me.

"O-oh ok" he said and sat down. "Meko, can I tell you something? Your the only one I can trust right now." He said, looking at me.

I threw on some shorts and sat down. "You can tell me anything bud, I'm always here for you." I said, smiling at him. "Well, I-i think I-i'm gay" his ears drooping down and a tear dropping from his eye.

I pulled him close and kissed him, all my warmth and passion flowing into Darren. He was surprised, but melted into the kiss, a soft moan escaping his lips.

We separated when the need of air became soo great. "Darren, I'm gay too. I just never had the guts to tell you either" I smiled at him.

"O-oh ok." Darren said, and he seemed a little disappointed. "What's wrong Darren?" I asked.

"W-well I didn't want that to end" he said, ears drooping down. I giggled and crawled onto him, kissing him every chance I got.

You guys get the picture

------------------------End flashback--------------------------

"Don't worry bud, your gonna find that special someone, I just know it." I smiled, scratching his fur on his head. He purred, and I blushed.

A Dalmatian came up to our booth "Hello, my name is Max, I will be your server this afternoon. Have yall decided what you wanted to drink?" He asked

I ordered a pepsi, and Darren ordered a Cronia beer. Max checked his Id and went to get our drinks.

"When the fuck did you drink?" I asked. He giggled and replied with there is a lot you don't know about me.

I smiled and we got our drinks and ordered lunch.

*Darren's perspective*

After lunch with meko, I still had 30 minutes to kill before math, so I decided to chill on the couch and watch some Netflix in my dorm.

Tonya, the chocolate brown husky with emerald green eyes and a emerald green star on her left eye, poked her head out of the kitchen.

"Darren, do you know when the other roommate is gonna be here? It said 11:00 a.m., But its eleven now?" She asked, with nutella on her nose.

I smiled at the sight and giggled, "I dont know Tonya, maybe they're late?" I replied. A couple minutes passed and I was kinda getting worried that our new roommate wouldn't show up. But at the last second, someone knocked at the door.

I ran and got it. It was the dragon that sat next to me in history.
God damn he's hot.(bad pun >:D ba-dum crash) "Hi, is this room 867?" "Yep, come on in" I opened the door fully and let him in. He had 6 bags with him, but carried them all. 'God damn he's strong. I want him to destroy me' I thought to myself.

He came in and laid his bags on the couch. I realized it was Tex. "Hya darren, how are u?" He said, hugging me. "Im doing good, what about u?" I asked. "Well I already know my roommate, so its better now." He smiled and flopped down on the couch.


*Tex's perspective*

A chocolate brown husky with neon green eyes, hair, and a star patch of fur, came out of the kitchen in the dorm holding a jar of nutella. "Hya, I'm Tonya, the other roommate here." She said, smiling at me.

"Hya Tonya, I'm Tex." I said, hugging her. She moaned, because of my chiseled body. I smiled and took off my shirt, flexing for her. I look over at Darren, and his nose is excessively bleeding. "You ok dude?" I asked.

He ran into the kitchen and cleaned himself off. The doorbell rang and I went to go get it. 'I wonder who it is' I thought to myself, opening the door.

---------author's notes--------------

Do u guys like the story so far?
Do u want me to write another chapter?
Comment some ideas for the plot and stuff
Please share mah story :3
And as always, stay frosty my friends <3

P.S. Please bear with me as i write this, im new to doing this and im not good at creating stories but im getting better

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