Chapter 24

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This chapter is dedicated to @CarlDaniel7

Ufa, Russia.

Tuesday, August 26. 6:00 am

-5° C

Dimitri's POV

After the flight, Jason and I decided to wait a couple of blocks away from the old warehouse.

We're loading our guns, and putting plastic gloves on our hands, while Jason is blabbering about something.

"Yo Di, why can't we check into the hotel a few miles from here?"

"Rebecca is probably there."

Jason nods in agreement. "Well can we at least get something to eat, it was barley any chicken on the jet, and I couldn't even make kool-aid." He says rolling his eyes at me.

"Is that the only thing you think about?"

"No, I think about pizza too, but mostly-"

"Okay, I get it man. You can get something before I call Furkan."

"Cool cool, what do you think Becky is doing here?"

I sigh rubbing my beard. "I'm not for sure, I haven't been around her to know what tricks she has planned."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. How you feeling though, about Abree?"

I sigh thinking about my princess, with herz smooth skin, and her enticing dark melting brown eyes that lure you in without letting you go; as if I'd ever want to. And last but not least, her robust captivating smile.

Thinking about her being sold makes my insides thrash with anger, and the possibility that she could be in another country gives me headaches, and heartaches-

"Di?" Jason snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Shit, at the moment I want to rip everyone's head off, and stomp on everything in my way, but I know that wouldn't get me any closer to Abree."

Jason hums in response looking out of the window. "Do you still love Becky?"

"No." I say without hesitation. "I loved her at once, but the only female on my mind is Abree, every time I close my eyes I see her, and I get this compulsion to protect, and hide her from everyone."

Jason stays quiet, after a moment he begins talking. "I know you don't want to hear this, but what if she doesn't want to talk to you? What if-"

"I don't want to hear that shit right now man." I say feeling my anger rise inside of me.

"You need to, you might have to accept the reality of Abree being absolutely safe with her ex."

Abree can't be okay with her ex, he's abusive. I know she needs me, I can't live without her.

"What makes you sure that she's okay with that son of a bitch?" Just as I finish, Becky drives our direction with two men in the back seat, towards the wear house.

I clench the wheel starting the car being sure not follow to close behind Rebecca.

I put my gun in my waistband turning to Jason wanting to hear his reason.

I know I've scorned Abree beyond what I should have, I shouldn't even be thinking of talking to her again, let alone breathe the same air she does, but she can't be with her ex willingly. I saw the domestic violence cases. I love her, I'm addicted, I know she needs me.. I can feel it.

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