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ah... sweet beginnings. how it makes a young duckling nostalgic! quack quack!

- [name]

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chapter one starts with the actual beginning to my story, aka that one time where i woke up in the hospital.

well at the time i had no idea it was a hospital. it should've have been obvious thinking back on it. where else do you find two sobbing people with an awkward guy in a lab coat?? plus the two kept saying something, something that made my brain tickle but nothing that i knew. after chorus after chorus of "omigod papa" and "omigod mama", i realized that these two people are my parents and oh fUCK that brain tickle word must be my name. obviously, i had amnesia. whoop, whoop. the first course of action as a newly awakened amnesiac was to absorb every bit of information i could.

that was a shitty idea. i don't learn a lick of information from these babbling fools and sir doctor awkward. so, i drop it. boom. look at all of those faces of disbelief. soon they learn to understand, and in turn i learn everything i want.

my actual name is [last name] [first name]. i'm going to start my second year of high school in a few weeks. i'm in the hospital because someone found me on the sidewalk with a huge piece of glass in my head. that was a week ago. my doctor said it was a miracle that i survived and woke up. at the time, i really didn't care that my survival was something that doctors don't understand at all. i just wanted to see the gnarly scar i must have on my head.

i'm released a few days later. my doctor guy said that it was a miracle (he really loves that word, huh) that i didn't have to go through therapy or something like that. i think he's still pissed off about my wonderful self being a medical enigma. ha. suck it, loser.

at least i manage to leave with some information that ONLY my parents gave me. if anything about this situation makes me mad, it is 100% definitely this! no one, NO ONE, other than my folks came to see me despite the fact that i had plenty of "friends". i highly doubt it. even my mom couldn't remember any of their names or faces. it's really sad. i mean, it wouldn't take that much effort to visit an old friend in the hospital.

the point is that i got a solid interpretation of who i was before the accident from my parents and my gut feeling. the following is a list that i made of things that could describe me pre-amnesia:

• boring

• plain

• indecisive

• ordinary

• bookish

• easy-going

• average

• currently single

yeezus, who was i? the most ordinary girl in the world?

the answer to that comes to me when i return home. my room is beige with all the necessary essentials in it. other than a gigantic cork board filled with tons of pictures of landscapes and selfies (with only yours truly in them), there's not much that i can say about my pre-amnesia self just by looking at this. all that i learn from it is that this room is way too ordinary for any japanese girl (i assume at least).

after letting me get familiar to the house, my parents and i get cozy on the couch to show me my old scrapbooks and yearbooks. i marveled at it. here was a girl that i couldn't remember being just living her best life. she had friends. she had classmates. and most importantly, she had friends!!! it was amazing. there was a whole world that existed out there that i would potentially never get to know about. it sucked. really sucked.

the feeling of suckiness grew worse and worse as i kept looking through all the yearbooks. a pattern had emerged, and i hated it. you see, it appeared that the students of my specific year got to pick out "stand-outs" from their fellow classmates. the class clown. the best hair. class king and queen (some Teru-whatsitgirl won class queen every year i quickly noticed). y'know the things you expect to see.

there was this one that appeared every single year: the most ordinary. you can see where i'm getting at, but guess whose dumb mug stares up at you every year you turn to my year's stand-out page?

yea. you're looking at her.

it sucks to know that your whole life is just the biggest display of normalcy ever. like, i wasn't a cool kid or a sports fanatic. i was just... there. which, now that i think about it more in depth, that's actually pretty good for me. i mean, it's so much easier to play the role of the ordinary girl rather than some person who impulsively ends their sentences with a verbal tic or some anime schtick like that. plus, i vaguely remember my doctor saying that roleplaying is one of the best things to do to get your memory back. or that could've been something on the internet, but the internet never lies so there isn't anything to lose!

that's what's on my mind as i walk to the start of my second-year life at P.K. Academy. be the girl you once were before. ordinary. normal. plain as hell. just the way as it is supposed to be. forever and always.

okay, [name]! this isn't a very hard task so... time to begin your very ordinary life!! and for the love of god, don't mess it up!

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