Chapter three: letting go

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"You ready?"
"You bet!" Peter continued to jump up and down.
They travelled in the car to the city.
"So, who's the bad guy?" Peter asked, his thoughts were full of possibilities: A spy? An assassin? Aliens?"
"You see that guy over there?" Tony pointed to a well dressed man outside of the coffee house with a black fedora. His face was hidden behind his black glasses.
"He's the guy in charge of a bunch of assassins. They're all plotting to kill the avengers."
"What? Why?!" Peter whispered.
"They don't think that we're doing the right thing."
"That's not important." He said, avoiding the question. "So, you ready for your first fight?"
"I guess." Tony and Peter fist bumped and Tony flew out of the car.
"Woah," Peter pressed his face up against the window and smiled.
*ring ring*
Peter looked at the phone on the car seat.
*ring ring*
Aunt may.
•he couldn't answer, she'd find out where he was•
*ring ring*
•just don't answer•
*you have one new message•
Peter presser the notification on his phone and her voice bellowed our.
Peter flinched and looked down at the bag with his superhero kit in it.
•you can't go out there with mr stark• he thought.
•you're not ready•
Peter looked at his shaking hands, he hadn't thought of it as a big deal.
•people have died fighting, you're only ten, you can't do this• he told himself.
*you have two new messages*
Peters phone vibrated again.
And again, he pressed the notification and another bellowing voice echoed out of the phone.
"Hi peter."
It was mr stark.
"I wouldn't come if I were you, listen. Just go home. I'll talk when we get home."
A shiver ran down his spine.

         * * *

Back at Tony's place, Peter was at the window watching the grey sky. It felt like days before Mr Stark returned. *16;45*
"Mr Stark?" Peter Called, "is that you?"
"Yeah kid." Tony's face was hastily bandaged and his walk was abnormally lop-sided and weak.
"Kid, it's not a good idea for you to keep coming here. It's not safe."
"No, no...I'm fine...I'm safe here."
"You don't know that."
Peter stared up at him longingly.
"Mr Stark please,"
"I'm sorry kid, Happy's outside."
The young Peter Parker hid behind a frankly quite messy fringe and slumped over. He sulked out of the door and Tony watched the black Audi estate drive down the long driveway.

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