Flasbacks.- Part 8

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I open my door after half an hour of crying and walk into the livingroom. I lay down on the couch and put on the TV just for the sound. My parents aren't home. They are eating in some fancy restaurant because I told them I would stay at Cry's house. What did I do? Why would he end our relationship? I start to cry again and my head starts to hurt.

Cry's P.O.V.

The front door slams shut and I fall to my knees. What Pewdie said was right. I am a thread to everyone around me. If I told Y/N about Mad and Virus she would just stick around and try to help me. This was the only option. They are ruining my life....AGAIN! A few years ago they did the same...


( 3rd persons P.OV.)

A fourteen year old Cry walks through the park nearby.  'How about the swings?' Virus asks in his head. Virus and Mad are Cry's best - and only - friends. Cry nods and makes his way to the swings. There are two swings and on the other one sits a boy with blonde hair. He is talking to a girl. She has blonde hair too and a pair of beautiful green eyes.

When Cry sits down on the swing the boy waves at him. " Hey , I am Felix. And this is Esmeralda." The boy says. "Please call me Essie..." The girl adds. 'Go on Cry, tell them your name!' "I am Ryan , but please call me Cry." They both nod and start to talk about their favorite ice cream flavor.Virus and Mad are just listening to the three , making plans for the future.

A few months later the three are best friends and they are inseperable. Everyday they make their way to the park and just chill there. One day they are in the park again. 'Can I talk to your friends for once Cry?' Mad asks in his sweetest voice. 'I don't know , maybe they'll think I am creepy...' 'Are you ashamed of us?' 'No , go on , talk to them if you want.....' Mad takes the control and starts to explain everything to Essie and Felix.

They both think it's awesome that Cry always has two friends with him and befriend Mad. Afew days later Mad takes over control again and makes his way to Essie's house. He breaks in and that night he makes his first kill. Cry wakes up next to a dead Essie and remembers everything. He screams and starts to cry. He runs out of the house and swears to get rid of the two people in his head.

--- End Flashback---

Cry's P.O.V

'It was nice remembering Essie again , wasn't it?' I starts to sob and lays down on the ground. First he takes away Essie and now he takes away Y/N. That's why Felix send me out. He doesn't want Marzia to end the same way as Essie.

'You cared about Essie right?' I nod. I loved Essie , she was so beautiful. With those green eyes and long blonde hair. 'And now you care for Y/N , right?' I nod again. Y/N is even beautifuller. Her H/C and her E/C are perfect together and even prettier than Essie's.

'Then it's time to pay Y/N a little visit!'


Oh snap , It looks like Mad is after you.......

That sucks for you, knowing that Mad is F*cking powerful....

Well guys, I would really apreciate it if you leave a comment of what you think of the story and if you have time please check out my other stories.

I also have a one-shot book now. So if you have a request please leave a comment there too.

That's all I wanted to say right now.

See ya,


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