Bros forever - Part 15.

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Pewdie's P.O.V

I am reading some comments (I know Pewdie enabled the comments but not in my story ~(^-^)~)     on my video with Marzia. A lot of people are asking why there hasn't been a PewdieCry video for a while. I sigh and walk to the living room where Marzia is watching some TV. "Marzia?" I ask. She looks at me and I continue "How would you like to visis Cry again?"

We are standing in front of my best friends house and I knock three times. Y/N opens the door. "Hey Pewds." She says. She gives Marzia a hug and we walk inside. "Thanks for letting me stay at your house, but l'll live with Cry again."She says. I smile and nod at her. "No problem." I say. We walk in a little further and I tackle Cry in a hug when I see him.

"WOAAH." He shouts as we fall on the floor. He turns around under me and his eyes get big when he sees my face. "Felix !? What are you doing here?" He asks. I stand up and help him up too. "Just visiting my best friend." I tell him and he gives me a bro hug. "I'm glad we're friends again, but you know it's better if you stay away from me." He says. Y/N looks down at the ground and I'm sure sh knows where we're talking about. Marzia only stares at us with confusion in her eyes.

"Shall I tell her ?" Y/N asks. Cry and I both nod and Y/N takes Marzia to her room. "I don't care if you're dangerous Cry, you're my friend, and friends help each other out!" He smiles and nods. "Oh, I almost forgot that!" He says.He grabs his phone and texts someone. When he gets an answer he says "I need to show you someone!" He grabs my arm, calls Y/N and Marzia and walks outside to his car.

Y/N and Marzia get in his car after a few minutes and Marzia looks really calm. "You okay?" I ask her. "Yeah, I'm happy to know what's going on." She answers. "Sorry for not telling you earlier." Cry says. "No problem guys." She says and Cry starts the engine. "You're gonna love this Pewds." He says before giving gas.

We arrive at a big white house and he parks in front of it. The house looks kind of familiar, but I don't know why. Cry gets out and pulls me out of the car after opening the car door. Y/N and Marzia follow and we all walk to the frontdoor. Cry rings the door bell and an older woman opens the door.

"Hello, how can I-" She begins but she gasps when she looks at us once again. "O My God!" She says before walking in a little and shouting "Mirror, come down here." I look at Cry confused but he just nods. I look back at the woman, she look familiar too.

"Felix, Cry, come in." She says. I look at her confused until a girl comes down. She looks like Essie, but it isn't here. "Mirror?" I ask and she nods. I run in and give her a hug. "Man, I haven't seen you in a long time." I say. I remember giving her that nickname...

=-=-= Flashback in 3rd person P.O.V.=-=-=

"I want you to meet someone." Essie says while dragging Felix to the front door of a big house. She opens the door with a key and runs in. Felix looks around and sees a beautifull interior.  Essie runs upstairs and Felix follow her. Upstairs is a girl that looks a few years younger than Essie, but they could be twins.

"Is that your copy?" Felix asks Essie. She just laughs and says "No, this is my sister." Felix stares at the girl once again and she waves at him. "Can I call you Mirror ?" He asks. 'Mirror' Giggles and nods her head. "Why?" She asks. "Because it looks like Essie look in the mirror. " He answers.

That same day Essie and Felix went to the park to meet there soon to be best friend.

=-=-= End Flashback =-=-=

Mirror's P.O.V

It's great seeing Felix again. I grab his arm and drag him inside to my father. "Look dad." I say. My father stands up immediatly and hugs Felix. "Felix....God" He says. Felix hugs back immediatly. "Mister Catstone." Felix says. They pull back and Cry, Y/N and another girl walk in. Y/N walks to my dad and offers her hand, he takes it and she says "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." He nods and the other girl follows Y/N's movement. "Marzia." She says and my father nods once again.

Cry walks in and my father get white. "What's wrong dad?" I ask. He just shakes his head, brushes past Cry and walks upstairs. Cry and Y/N share a glance and then look at me.

Y/N's P.O.V.

After a nice day with Mirror we all walk back to the car. Pewds and Marzia get in but I drag Cry to a place where they can't hear us. "Were there any witnesses of you murdering Essie?" I ask. "I thought not." Cry says. "How her dad reacted, I 'm sure he knows something Cry. "Bullshit Y/N, I don't leave evidence." Mad voice snapps at me. "Didn't you saw how he reacted?" I ask. He only shrugs and walks back to the car.

"Mad!" I shout but he just ingnores me and steps in the car. He honks once as a sign for me to get in. When pewds and Marzia aren't looking he puts his index finger in front of his mouth. I only nod and get in the car. "Let's go Cry." I tell Mad, who nods aprrovingly.


Hey Awesome Bosses,

I didn't update for so long because I didn't really know where to go with this story, but now I do. So I want to update faster, but this is something I need to enjoy so I only write when I feel like it.

I know it may sounds selfish, but if I don't like writing this story then you'll see it in my writing. I love writing this story, don't get me wrong, so son't worry.

Updates are coming ASAP.



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