Im not as you think as you drunk i am (Funny fluff)

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A/n Im sorry its very bad its my first one i tried 😂 i hope you like it! 😘 and also im sorry if i make any mistakes. 11/25/18

You were sitting on your comfy couch on your phone. Brendon was softly playing the piano in the other room. You could hear him softly singing.

"This is gospel for the vagabons never-do-wells and insuferable bastards. Confessing thier apostacies lead away by imperfect imposters ooooh." You put down your phone and quietly sneak to the door where he was. You stayed there listening to him sing for about 10 seconds then u close your eyes and smile. You walk back to the couch still listening to him. All of the sudden you hear your phone ring.

"Hey Y/N!"
It was Andrea, your best friend. You called her drizzy Dre for short.
"Hey Drizzy!"
"Me and Payton (her bf ) are going to the bar tonight. Want to come?"
She seemed very excited for you to come and you didnt have any plans.
"Yea hold up let me ask Brendon if he wants to."

You go to the room where he was singing and walk in. "Hey Bren." he looks up and smiles and says "Hey babe, whats up?" You smile. "Andrea wants to know if maybe we can hang out at the bar tonight and have a couple drinks?" You give him puppy eyes. "Ok, ok. Fine" He laughs. You plant a kiss on his cheek. He smiles at you.

"He said yes."  You sit yourself down on the couch with Bogart and Penny.

"Ok what time fits you?" You think about it.

"How about 8:45?"

"Ok sounds good sis."

"Ok see you there."

"Bye Y/N!"

"Bye Drizzy!"

8:00 comes around

You and Brendon were watching a movie and it was just ending. You remember about tonight. You check your phone and Its says 8:00. You look at Brendon "Hey maybe be should start getting ready its 8:00."  He looks at you with his cute chocolate brown puppy eyes. "Oh ok lets get ready." You both get up off the couch. He grabs your hand and smiles. "Its gonna be a very fun night!" He says. You smile and start heading up stairs!

I WILL BE MAKING A PART TWO. I will try to do it this week coming up so be prepared for that! I love yall very much! BAIII❤️😂😊😘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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