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This isn't really an exam piece but it's one of my favourite pieces of writing. However, it is completely based on me so it might not be that enjoyable.


There sat a girl, gazing at the stars; and the stars who gazed back.

It was 2 o'clock in the morning yet the girl loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. She had a book in her lap; open on the last page, which she was absentmindedly stroking as if it held the answers to the world. There were books behind her, books next to her and books in her heart.

Strewn across the sofa she was sitting on were three enormous pillows, each with a different quote emblazoned on it; a dark, metallic blue one with a stag and the phrase 'I claim you, to whatever end', a white one with the phrase 'rattle the stars' in gold calligraphy and a grey one with the phrase 'libraries were full of ideas - perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons' in bold. At her feet lay a purple quilt, crumpled on the floor as if the girl had jumped up suddenly and began pacing a track across the room in anguish. Behind her, on the windowsill, sat a speaker winding some violin music around the dark room, a lit cinnamon scented candle and a large lamp that would shine into her lap if it was on.

She was wearing a dark blue t-shirt that was three times too big for her with the words 'Per Aspera Ad Astra'  lazily written across it and some leggings. Her honey blonde hair was pulled back into a messy bun, gold-green eyes burning with such a passion they seemed alight, her long, tan legs were folded clumsily beneath her as she smiled delicately at a thought long gone.

Tearing her gaze away from the glittering night sky back to her book, a tear trailed its way down her wistful face. She turned her head to look at the towering bookshelf beside her, eyes flitting about, reading the numerous titles, before finally resting on one book: Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas.

Picking it up like it held the shattered remains of her heart, she embraced the emotional rollercoaster and returned it to the shelf that held so many pieces of her imagination. She leant back into the plush sofa, bringing her gaze to the glass roof that was perfect for letting your mind wander into the infinite space of the stars.

However, instead of sagging into there glistening comfort, she sat bolt upright, grinned, reached over to the log that was playing the part of a coffee table, and grabbed one of the pocket-sized notebooks labelled 'Favourite Facts' and a pen. THinking for a second, she scribbled something down while grinning like a maniac.

As she closed the notebook, still grinning, she whispered it to herself, "The darkest nights produce the brightest stars" her voice barely audible as she smiled.

Grabbing a random book from the shelf, the girl flicked through it, read a chapter and began cackling. Cackling as if she had no cares in the world, cackling as if she hadn't been close to tears just ten minutes ago, cackling as she wanted to be heard while the rest of the world slept on. Slowly she fell silent, falling into thought, thinking about her dreams and wishes.

Glancing to the sky, she smiled sadly, knowing that her dreams and wishes would never come true. She shook her head, trying to let them go. Giving up was for the weak yet...                      ...she knew they would always come back, so instead of trying to get rid of her wishes, she embraced her dreams.

Untangling her legs from beneath her, she stretched, yawned and sat back down, returning her gaze to the stars that captivated her, broke her and held her complete and utter adoration.


If any of you hadn't noticed I'm obsessed with the stars, so this is a tribute to the things that can make you see the past when you look at them.

P.S. literally, when you look at the stars you are looking at the past because it takes so long for the light to get here, you're looking into the past :)

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