Dear Love

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Your tears made me sad. At first, I thought your boyfriend had dumped you or something along the lines of that when I saw you crying. But then, I wondered, why would you sit at the table near the back of the library to go cry over your boyfriend when you could wallow at home with ice cream. That's when I saw the book you were reading and realised that you were crying because of it.

And from that moment on, I was hooked. I'd never read anything that moved me that much, so I checked it out. And, guess what? I cried too, movie style. Tears running down my cheeks but not being able to stop reading because I was so enraptured. That's how it began, my obsession with you.

Every time I went to the library, and it still continues, you were there. You were almost always crying or laughing or just plain old grinning from the sheer joy of reading and you always had a completely new book on the table in front of you or resting on your legs as you propped them up on it. Whenever you exploded from the emotion the books were generating inside you, I read them as well and let them generate the same emotion in me, just so I could feel connected to you.

And then it was history. I no choice but to be hypnotised by you. You weren't gorgeous in the classic red lips and rosy cheeks way, but to me, you shone brighter than the sun. When you smile, it lights up your face in the best kind of way. When you cry, the tears beading at the corners of your eyes glisten like the stars.

Sometimes, I wish you would notice me, reading the book you were reading a few days ago but at a much slower pace. I wish you would smile at me, because of me, just so I could bathe in the light you give off. But I know that all that will ever be is a fantasy because I would never have the guts to talk to you. But most of all, the thing that terrifies me the most if I talked to you, is that if you're not at all like I imagine.

Sometimes, I wish I had the courage to talk to you, but maybe one of these days, I will. I'll work up the courage and I'll ask you about what you're reading. And maybe you'll smile that hypnotic smile and tell me all about it and recommend it to me and then I'll have to pretend I haven't read it because you'd find it weird that I read it just because you read it. I hope this day is soon, but until then, thank you for the book recommendations. I love them.

Love, the girl you'll probably never meet.

P.S. If you do want to meet, I'm the girl a few tables from yours

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