Chapter 8

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    Sitting in the Asylum got me thinking about a lot of things. They brought my into a normal cell after they decided I'd be fine without a straight jacket. I didn't realize how many people were a fan of my work with the Joker. It's odd the reputations you can get with the rest of the asylum crowd. A lot of them love me except well Poison Ivy.  She'd rather have all the attention on her but she won't do anything about it since she and the cat are friends and the cat's a fan. I've also had some conversations with Crane. He's a pretty cool guy when you take away the mask, kind of attractive. Sure the food sucks but it's due able.

    A person comes up from behind me and taps my shoulder, "Hello I'm your psychiatrist, Doctor Harleen Quinzel. " She walks around the table and quietly sits down.

   I fake a smile, "Ello Harleen. "

   "Please, call me Doctor Quinzel."

     I look off to the side and talk to myself but speak loud enough for her to hear,"Shouldn't tell someone you're first name if you don't want them to use it..."

     She fixes her glasses and looks up at me, "Speaking of first names; what's yours"?

    I laugh a little,  "Why would I tell you that now? After all I've gone through to hide who I really am don't think you're going to get anything out of me".

    She looks nervous, "Well it wouldn't be proper for me to call you LunaChic".

    I roll my wrists in a circular motion,"Just... just call me Luna".

    "All right then. So, Luna, why are you here?"

    "Because I wanted to be."

    "And why's that?"

  "Because I was tired and wanted a break from everything. "

    "A break from everything or a break from the Joker?"

   I start to laugh, "Sometimes I think the Joker is the least of my problems". Doctor Quinzel nods and writes a note down but doesn't say anything,  "So Doctor,  why are you here? I mean you could have had a nicer job than this, right?"

   Slowly she stops writing and looks up, "Well... I. Like you.. want to be here."

    I act as if I truly care, "And why's that?"

   She starts to get flustered, "I'm not the one being questioned here..."

    "This room may be plain, Doctor Quinzel, and you may look plain but I know.  I know you're not. Plain people don't just waltz in and ask to be a psychiatrist. No, no, no, plain people would want to stay as far away from this place as far as possible. So if we're going to continue meeting like this everyday that I'm here, I'd like to know more about you."

      She sighs,"I'm not insane if that's what you're getting at. "

      I look her dead in the eyes, "You're right you're not, but you are crazy and well.." I smirk,  "Crazy people are always the sanest."

    She motions a gaurd over,"We are done here."

    I smile, "See you tomorrow", I finish of if a playful mocking voice, "Doc-tor Quinnzelll."

    The gaurd harshly grabs my shoulder, "Come on, lets go. You have a visitor. "

     "Oh fun, I wasn't expecting one." and I really wasnt. I didn't think there would be anyone that would come and see me. I hope it's not some corrupt lawyer hoping to cut a deal.

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