Chapter 3

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As I get home I'm greeted by emptiness. No ones here so I assume they all went to the secret lair down stairs. I quickly go to my room to get changed. I let my hair out of the pony tail straightening it to make it pin straight. It brings out the V cut in my hair better and it looks cool with the red hair and black tips. Wow I can be such a girl! I grab a pair of skin tight paints. The left leg is red the right is black and white patched squares. The corset I'm wearing is kind of the same as the pants except on the left there are black and red patched squares and on the right its just black (the shape or style is harley quinns in arkham city except with these colors). My make up is black mascara with thick black eyeliner. Then I add black face paint around my right eye and spread it outwards. Around it, I spread some white face paint near the edges. For my lips a put on red lipstick. My shoes are just simple today, black converse. (This is basically my main outfit that I wear all the time). Once I get downstairs I see J at the drawing board doing what ever he does.

He doesn't turn around but he knows it's me, "I told you to stay at the house."

Eye roll my eyes, "Whatever, why I am I hear?"

He turns around, "Because darling dearest," he smirks when he says that, "We're going to go rob a bank."

I get a little frustrated, "You made me come back here thinking something big was happening just to tell me we're going to rob a bank?"

"Not just any bank. The biggest most heavily guarded one. You see, I have men on the inside. I always have men on the inside. Once word gets out that one of the biggest robberies in Gotham is going down with me in charge Batman won't want to miss a second of it!" He laughs his usual laugh.

I start to understand, "So this is about Batman and getting him to come for you?"

He gets slightly angry, "Of course it is! It's ALWAYS ABOUT BATMAN!"

I take a step back, "Right..."

He smiles at the discomfort he's caused, "Come, you get to drive with me today."

Sitting in J's car... it just makes me feel weird. I shake of the feeling and get concentrated on the plan. Everyone else will be entering through a different part of the building while J and I are entering right through the main entrance with 3 other guys following. I'm holding a specially designed light weight machine gun with and extended clip and laser target for when needed. Hanging around my neck are a pair of night vision googles for when the planned power outage happens. By then all of us will already be in the building. You see when the power goes out the bank is designed to lock itself down. So we need to ready be inside or it won't work.

J gets in and starts the car. He smirks,"Just like old times."

"If by old times you mean when you dragged then shoved me in here... then no... not at all..."

He smiles and cups my face with his hands; just as I'm about to look away, "Oh come on beautiful, Lets not focus on the negatives here. Just think of it as the first time we met." He laughs and starts to pul out of the underground driveway. It was built in for J when he and his men 'moved' in. He practically lives down there.

I sigh and stare out the window for most of the ride, once in awhile looking up to see what he's doing.

We're about to make a turn onto one of the roads that are connected to the bank but see a police road block. J reaches for the walki talki and hands it to me. I take it knowing what to do. I start speaking into it, "Hey guys this is Luna." I get a couple responses then continue, "It looks like we'll be taking a couple back roads so just ignore the original directions and follow the Jokers car."

Someone replies, "Why don't we just rush through it?"

Others reply by saying stuff like, "Yeah!"

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