Call me Master~

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  You walked in your home, dropping the keys on the table and sighing tiredly. "I'm home!" you called out to your husband only to recieve silence as a respond. Your eyes moved from side to side in search of your pink haired husband, instead you felt arms wrap around your waist from behind, 'welcome home' he said in his usual monotone voice which you had learned to love so much. Your body leaned on him out of instinct, "thank you" you said softly. Your hands went on top of his in a loving manner, "what have you been up to? Were there any bugs?" you asked as you turned your body to face him, only to realize just how close he was, 'I've been missing you and no, no bugs' he said gently. Your face flared a bit when you realized what he meant by missing you, "O-oh?"

   He nodded as he pressed your bodies closer. 'Yes. I've been missing you, a lot' he smiled and gently kissed your neck making you blush a bit more than you already were. "Kusuo, I'm not sure if right now is a good time" you tried to reason, but he had a better argument: 'why not? You are here and you have no work tomorrow or any documents to work with' he said, once again with a monotone voice. You looked at him nervously, "ah, you're right" his eyes trailed your body up and down, 'why is your outfit so tight around your body?' jealousy laced his voice at the thought of other men looking you in any way, especially Toritsuka whom you talked to everyday, "this is my uniform for work" you pointed out, "why? Are you jealous?" you raised an eyebrow at him. 'Now why would I be jealous?' he denied. You chuckled, "I dunno. Maybe my Co-workers were staring at me with a p-" you were cut off my Kusuo grabbing you tighter, already knowing what you were going to say, 'okay, maybe I am jealous about something like that but its natural' he said slightly angrily. You smiled slyly, "I knew it" Kusuo glared slightly, 'If you don't stop I swear you won't be able to walk for a week' he said threateningly. You rolled your eyes, "You're lying" once those words left your mouth you realized you had messed up. In a span of seconds he had you pinned on the wall, Immediately starting to work with your body, pleasuring you. Your face flared up many shades of red as his knee travled to your lower region, roughly pushing against your clothed entrance making you gasp in surprise. He had a dark look, 'do you want to test that theory?' he said darkly. Suddenly, a shock of boldness ran through you as you placed your hand over his bulge and rubbed it softly. Kusuo grunted and glared as he held your hand tightly, stopping you from doing anything, 'no, this is your punishment' he growled out. You gasped once more when you felt his knee rubbing against your entrance roughly. Your body ached with the need to touch him everywhere' 'I see you didn't wear any pants underneath your skirt' he pointed out, 'who knows how many men have been checking you out today, yesterday or any other day' Kusuo pressed his knee harder onto your clitoris making you moan softly, 'these are the rules: no moaning, no cumming without my permission, don't call me by my name. Call me Master or Sir. If you break any of these rules the punishment WILL get worse' He smirked mischievously. "Y-yes" you mumbled, 'yes what?' he eyed you, "Yes, S-sir" you stuttered nervously. 'Good girl' he said as he unbuttoned your shirt.
      You stood silently, allowing him to do anything he wanted to do with your body at the moment. He internally grinned at you obedience to his orders. Once he finished with your shirt he slid off your skirt, leaving you in only your undergarments. Kusuo stared at your body hungrily, his left hand held your waist while his right held your right thigh. He lifted your thigh and held you up by your waist, 'you know what to do' he said. You wrapped your left leg around him and looked away with a darker blush. Kusuo chuckled as he walked into the bedroom, he tossed you on the bed and crawled on top of you. His right hand travled to your lower region and his left to your breast as he kissed, sucked and nibbled on your neck. A moan almost escaped your throat but you managed to contain it. He played with your clitoris and breast at the same time, making shivers run down your spine in excitement. Not knowing what his next move was going to be and his dominance had such a big effect on you, 'I see you are already wet' he chuckled. 'Do you like being so submissive? If I remember correctly you always tried to be dominant' you looked at him with a flustered expression, "It won't do any good, and you said it yourself. This is my punishment" he smirked, 'that's my girl' he said sort of proudly. Saiki slid his hand into your underwear and rubbed your clit softly, he inserted his middle finger into your entrance. This action made you slap a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from moaning. Kusuo chuckled almost evily as he pumped his finger in you, inserting his ring finger along with it. You bit your knuckles until they started to hurt. Kusuo snatched your arm away from your mouth and pinned both of your arms above your head with just one hand. He then preceded to bite your neck gently, nibbling and sucking on your most sensitive spots. You bit your bottom lip to try and contain you moans, though it rendered useless as a small, almost inaudible moan slipped from your lips. He looked up and glared at you, almost playfully, 'you broke one of the rules~' he almost grinned. Saiki slowed his pace on his fingers, making you feel frustrated, "M-master please.." you muttered softly. He smirked as he inserted his index finger as well, you closed you eyes tightly as he stretched out your insides. The pleasure soon consumed you and you felt yourself near your climax, "M-master. I n-need to c-cum" you almost moan out, 'go ahead, moan while you're at it' he said. You moan loudly amd arch your back as you climax on his fingers. Kusuo chuckled, 'you are so sensitive' he smirked as he licked his fingers clean. You blush even harder once you see him take off his clothes, 'take them off' he commended, afraid of him punishing you even more if you didn't listen, you complied to his order. You took off ever last bit of clothing you had been wearing. He smirked, 'get on your knees' he said. You gulped and did so, resulting in him pointing his hardened member to your mouth, 'open wide~' Saiki said in a playful tone, maybe. You, instead of opening your mouth, decided to give the tip a long lick. Hearing his breath hitch, you smirked victoriously as you licked his shaft. Kusuo grunted softly as he thrusted his member into your mouth, you gladly sucked on him and moved your head back and forth. He tugged on your hair softly and grunted a bit louder. Not being able to wait any longer, he made you stop and pinned you on the bed harshly, 'now~ for punishment~' he then roughly thrusted into your hole, stretching out you tight pussy. You bit your lip almost drawing out blood in order to keep your moan, 'moan for me kitten~' he grunted out. Instantly, you moaned loudly and arched your back as the pleasure started to take over your senses. You ran your fingers through his hair as you moan into his sensitive neck. He grunted louder and thrusted harder and faster into you, "M-master!~" you moan out in pure bliss. You subconsciously clenched your walls around him, he grunted loudly, 's-so tight' he mumbled.
       You blushed hard as you felt him grip your waist tightly and thrust faster. Your moans got louder with each thrust he made, soon he started to kiss, suck and nibble on your neck, leaving hickeys in places you couldn't cover, 'now everyone will know you belong to me' he growled, which in your opinion, sounded sexy as fuck. You moaned slightly louder as you felt your orgasm build up, "I-I'm gonna c-cum, Master~" you moan out, he grunted, 'you have my permission'. You arched your back once more as you hit your orgasm, moaning loudly as you did so. Saiki's thrusts soon got sloppy and uneven, signaling he was close now, he panted and went harder. After a few more thrusted her thrusted as deep as he could and came inside of you. You gasped at the feeling, "K-kusuo?" he pulled out and panted again, 'It was bound to happen soon' he stated bluntly. You sighed softly and pecked his lips tiredly, "all I know, is that I am tired as hell" you smiled sleepily, "goodnight" you soon passed out.

Oooooooh!! My first lemmon, it reached 1550 words. I'm surprised it came out so well, enjoy~//

Jealous! Kusuo Saiki x Reader Lemon [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now