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calum fidgeted in his seat, waiting for the professor to walk in. he was an art major, so he figured that photography was a form of art. 

'hello, i am professor smith and you're taking photography 101. most of you are probably here to meet the girls, i suppose. it happens every year, most of you will leave this class anyway.'

it was true, though. there were lots of girls in the class. they probably take pictures with their iphone 5 and call that photography. suddenly, the door slowly opened and a girl walks in. her head was down, her hair covering her face. nobody payed attention to her because, well, no one gives a shit in college. well nobody except for calum. the professor told them to introduce themselves, which was weird because no one felt the need to know anyone. well except the ones that were desperate. everyone took their turn including calum, and finally, it was the girl's turn.

she stood awkwardly in front of the class, tugging at her blouse.

'hello, um my name is susan, but you can call me susie. i'm an english major and i'm not sure why i'm taking this class. yea, um, that's all.'

she slowly walked back to her seat, her head still down. calum thought she was pretty, but he wasn't sure how to talk to her since she was extremely shy. he spent the rest of the class watching susie. stalkerish, yes. he noticed that she was quite clumsy, seeing that she dropped her books and pencil countless times. he also noticed that she tend to chew her nails a lot.

'well, that's it for today. hope you learned a thing or two, or maybe you were too busy checking out the girl next to you.'

the professor eyes directed toward calum with a smirk. the class snickered as calum blushed. susie didn't notice what was happening and calum was thankful for that. 

'oh and before i forget, your very first assignment. it's a bit cheesy but take a picture of the most beautiful thing in your opinion. it can be anything really. it's due in 2 weeks, that's plenty of time to get it done. now get outta here.'

new story lol. i got this idea while watching Architecture 101 lmao. if you know what that is then you deserve a dedication. things are gonna move hella fast so beware. im going to walmart now so bye bye.

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