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it was now 7:00 PM and they were hungry as hell. calum suggested a nice diner but susie told him she was in the mood for mcdonald's. so they went to mcdonald's. calum was a ladies man so of course he paid for everything. susie was glad because she forgot to bring her wallet that day. they got their order and sat down. susie took a bite of her burger and moaned because her hunger was finally ending. calum chuckled because he thought she was adorable. 

calum knew that this was the start of another one-sided love. he had tons of those back in high school. who cares? she was cute and he liked her, it was as simple as that. they finished up their dinner and headed back home.

'i guess i'll see you tomorrow?' susie waved.



''c-can i have your number?' calum stuttered.


'y-you know to send you the pictures, just in case. or if you don't want to, that's fine too.'

'sure. why are you so nervous, boy? damn, i can't imagine you asking any girl out with that confidence of yours.'

calum blushed furiously, though no one could see since it was pretty dark out. susie smiled as she typed in her number, this boy was adorable, he was like a little kid. 

calum walked inside his new house, grinning widely because he had gotten a girl's phone number. boxes were all over the place since they had just move in 3 days ago. his room was empty except for his bed and desk. he unlocked his phone and texted susie. he even added a little heart emoji next to her name.

hey its calum. sent 9:00 PM

omg im soz for not responding. but hi, it's susie. sent 9:30 PM

its fine, but you've got my number now, yea?' sent 9:32 PM

course :) i even added the asian boy emoji to your name. sent 9:33 PM

for the last time im not asian jfc. sent 9:33 PM

uh uh it aint right to use The Lord's name in vain. sent 9:35 PM

whatever, im removing the heart next to your name. goodnight susieee sent 9:36 PM

aww dont be like that :( whatever, goodnight lover boy xx sent 9:37 PM

calum drifted to dreamland soon after that, and needless to say, the heart emoji is still right next to susie's name.

filler filler filler. but whatevaa lol i hope u guys r still reading this. luv u lotss

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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