Awkward Encounter

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A/N: Short chapter whoop

Oh god.... We've been walking for about 5 hours. I have to pee... Oh god, okay I can deal with this.

"Um..." I said out loud.

Rolo and Nyma stop and look at me for a second.

"What is it?" Nyma asked.

"I'm sorry, but I..." god how to girls ask to pee? "I need to go..."

"You need to go?" Rolo asked?

Hunk's eyes widened, "Oh." Hunk's face scrunched up as he tried to think of a solution. "Oh, she uh... needs to go to the bathroom."

Rolo and Nyma look at eachother and Nyma points to a thicker area of the woods that surround us, "You can go over there, and don't take too long."

I sighed and jogged lightly off the trail. I look back to make sure no one can see me.

Okay, so how do girls pee? They sit right? How do I do that in the wood? Do I just squat? But then I might pee on me.... Oh fuck it, I can't deal with this.

I squat and look up as I take of the bottom half of my armor. I squat and relax myself. I hear rustling and immediately tense up... Unfortunately my new body already decided to relieve itself. I look around in my now defenseless state and see that it's just a deer. Oh god I thought it was someone. Oh shit. Did I really just hear that?

I turn to the direction where I heard someone clear their throat. Luckily they were in the best possible place for this situation. There was abush between us and I had just finished my business. However, that didn't mean it was a good thing. My eyes widened as I saw who it was...

Keith Kogane.


"Oh fuck, why are you here?" my mouth blurts out, forgetting for a split second what I look like.

"Well first off I have no idea who you are but do you want me to leave...?" he asks.

"Nah its fine I'm done. I stand up (He probably saw everything, but whatever) and put my bottoms back on." I reply. I look at him and see him turned away slightly.

"Well... Do you know your way around here... because I'm lost and I need to get somewhere..." He asks.

Of course he needs to go somewhere. He probably got special permission to travel through the territory and he's a higher rank.

"Well..." I pretend to think, "Right now I'm with the patrol and we're traveling to the West Dungeon. You can come with us if your going in that direction!" I try to match my personality that I made for Lis. I hope we says no. God......

Keith looks surprised at my personality change and I try to cover it up with a sweet smile.

"Sure, if your don't mind... I'm going in that direction anyways." He says.

Damn! "Awesome! You can come with me then! My patrol is just a little ways that way."

I start walking back towards the trail and beckon for him to follow. It takes about 30 seconds to reach them and they immediately freeze when they see Keith.

"Hey guys look who I found!, The one and only Keith Kogane!" I tried to sound impressed and excited. He did just win a swordsman competition.

"Sorry, great to see you really, but do you have permission to be in this territory?" Nyma askes immediately.

Keith nods and digs in his small satchel. He pulls out a small book that has a stamp fo approval on the first page. Rolo looks at it and nods, confirming the stamp.

"So, can he travel with us? He's going the same way anyways." I ask.

"Sure, come on then we want to get to the end of the territory as soon as possible." Nyma responds.

We start walking and I sigh, knowing that the end of the territory is about 5 hours away and we need to hurry or they'll find out who I am... Ok, let's go.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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