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Both men stared at each other for a solid minute in shock. Finally Jeremiah seemed to relax.

"So they're both safe?"

"They're safety has always been my number one priority."

"I got news that I have two granddaughters. Are they--"

"Aren't here. You probably shouldn't be here either."

"J'onn, I didn't have any choice last time with Cadmus. I was only protecting my family."

"That doesn't justify trying to send hundreds of aliens back to their home planets. You had no idea how many of them were refugees like Kara."

"I know, but they at least had a chance that way. I tried explaining it to Alex, and thank God she stopped the ship in time, but I'm here for an entirely different reason."

"And Cadmus just let you go?"

"With Lillian Luther behind bars, Cadmus isn't exactly a fortress anymore. I was finally able to escape."

"And you weren't followed?"

"Cadmus has been busy with something. The problem is that there's only so many resources for this, whatever it is. I think they're building a trap or something for Kara."

"So what would you tell Kara to do?"

"Be on guard for strange calls for help?"

"I'll remember to tell her that. Now why are you still here? I think you've overstayed your welcomed."

"Point taken. Tell the girls to take care?"

"Will do." Jeremiah headed towards the door when it bursted open and a gun was at his face. He heard windows shatter and two girls scream. He turned to see two girls fly down from behind the ceiling rafters, guns pointed at them. From one angry glare like Alex's and one confused look from behind lead glasses, he knew he just led Cadmus to his Granddaughters without any idea he was being followed.



At the sound of her daughter and niece's voices, Supergirl found herself instinctively flying in that direction. It was one cry for help she always worried she would hear.

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