Chapter 5

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Five of the mentors are currently sitting in the room where they all met each other. Yixing at the head of the table with Jieqiong and Jackson on his right and Jade and Ronghao on his left. 

"Three days have passed. I wonder how the 100 trainees regarding the theme song's choreography, how they are doing. We are focusing on each individual, everyone will have a video of them singing and dancing. So today A, B, C, D, F ranking is really fair. Before recording this video, they each gave themselves a predicted rank. Let's look at these now and see if their predicted rank matches the reality," Yixing said the mentors in front of him. When they watched the first few videos, they were pleasantly surprised. The mentors could tell that all of the trainees worked very hard. Then it all started to go downhill. Some of the trainees didn't sing or dance. It seemed that the took the evaluations as a joke. Slowly Jade could see that all of the mentors were getting very disappointed. Halfway through the mentors took a break. Then Lay got up and looked at Jade, signaling for her to follow him. 

"We are going to go over to see the kids," Lay said standing up with Jade tailing closely behind him.

"We'll be right back. You guys should rest," Jade said to the other mentors, disappoint lanced in her words. One Jade and Yixing found the room, they walked in to see all of the trainees in rows all looking forward. As soon as they stepped in the room, an audible sigh left Yixing's mouth. Then all of the trainees greeted the mentors. Lay wasted no time. 

"Guys. What are you all doing? My God," Lay asked the trainees. After these words left his mouth, Jade could see the trainees shifting feeling uncomfortable. 

"First of all, A Class. What is going on? How can it be like this?" Yixing said. Jade could tell just what he was feeling, she felt it too. 

"Do you guys know what will happen if you drop to F Class at the end of these evaluations? Do you? You'll just stand still off-stage. You can't even dance." Jade added soon after, causing all attention to shift to her.  Jade and Lay could see many of the trainee's mouths drop. They could also see their hearts sink with it. 

"Lyrics. Can't even memorize the lyrics? You all rap. So you don't need to sing, is that it? Every mentor, when we're evaluation your rank, we know that F class can't go on stage. It's so difficult to grade." Yixing said after Jade. Soon a sigh left both of their mouths. 

{[Yixing: They're not that old. They're all kids in their teens. I have to consider their feelings. Will their feelings be hurt? I just don't think I... I have the heart to but if I don't tell them, I'm afraid they... they wouldn't know, you know. So it's really difficult. It's really hard. ]}

{[JD: I was in their shoes. I know what one blow can do to someone in these circumstances. I am not much older than them. I am even younger than some of them, but I know how the idol business works. It will only get harder. If they are not prepared to put in the work now, I am afraid of what will happen to them later. She sighed and looked down. ]}

"I know that there are people here many people who are very very hard-working. But perhaps their results were not good. But don't be discouraged because there are still chances. Because remember there wasn't enough time. There will be more time to practice this theme song." Yixing said to them.

"I wish the best for you all. I hope you guys can jiayou." Jade said to them. A Sadness in her eyes. 

"Thank you, teachers," the trainees said to the two mentors. 

"Its nothing I hope the best for you all," Lay said to them. 

{[YX: There are too many things that they need. Someone to tell them, to say to them perhaps they are still too young so they don't get what they need to do. I think they have to affirm their own choices. Also no matter what they choose, they have to swallow it down. ]}

"Therefore, really thank you to all of the mentors," Yixing said to the mentors. 

"But really that F rank. Let me tell you. You know how F ranks have to stand under the stage and watch. That will really be a blow, "Jackson said to the other mentors, imagining the possible outcomes. 

"For sure, a big blow, " Ronghao replied, also imagining what might happen to the trainees. 

"And hopefully, through this, they will learn that there is only one chance on the stage," Jackson said looking at the rest of the mentors 

"Yes," the mentors replied. Bracing themselves for the announcements. Jade told Yixing that she would just watch this time. It hit a little too close to home for her.

Story Time

This was because she was in the JYP show "Sixteen," the one that made Twice. She and Somi both were crushed when they heard that they would not debut, but they vowed to each other that they will only grow to prove that they are talented. It saddened Jade to know that it is taking longer for Somi. Jade always thought that Somi was much more talented than her. She is still doing everything in her power to help her debut, but it seems that it is not enough. She does not give up hope for her friend. 

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