Chapter 8

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Yay!! Another chapter(somehow). I honestly don't know how. I'm very sorry for the irregular updates. I official hate school. I just love procrastination. Also I am very sorry for any mistakes. 

*Time Skip to that Night*

After the family go to have some personal time together, Mark and their parents went to the hotel they were staying at. Jade went to meet Zhengting in the practice room just as she said. When she arrived Zhenging was already there. 

"Were you waiting long?" Jade said startling the male as she walked in. 

"I just got here a few minutes ago. Chengcheng was keeping Justin up with his snoring," Zhengting said was a small chuckle, eyes never leaving Jade's. Jade chuckled thinking about the males she hadn't seen in years. 

"How are you?" Jade asked Zhengting in a small voice. She started to sit down against the wall. Zhengting sat right next to her. 

"I'm going okay. How are you?" Zhengting questioned the girl with concern. he remembered how hard it was for Jade a few years back. When the public found out that Jade was Mark Tuan's sister they believed that she got into YG because of him. She had received a lot of hate those days. She had gotten called may horrible things. At that time she had  fallen deep into depression. She had taken a break for a few months to go home. Zhengting had been a person she could rely on at that time. Especially because her siblings were busy doing their own thing. They never forgave themselves for not being there for her. Especially Mark, who to this day, still blames himself no matter how many times Jade assured him it was not his fault. 

"Life's better. I'm okay.... I think," Jade said with uncertainty placing her head on Zhengtings shoulder. Zhengting sighed and put his arm around Jade, putting his head on top of her's. 

"What happend?" Zhenting questioned the girl. 

"I'm scared... I keep getting death threats. ha. As expected right when things are looking up in life," Jade said as a single tear rolls down her cheek. Zhengting's grip on the girl tightened. He didn't say that everything would be okay, because in this business he truly didn't know. Jade laughed quietly to herself, wiping her tears. 

"God, i'm weak. Why am I even crying?" Jade said laughing at herself wiping away the stray tears. Zhengting looked at the girl in his arms sadly. 

"Hey, you are not weak. You handled it for this long. Don't listen to the other people. Their opinions about who you are don't matter. The only opinions that matter are of the people that truly care about you. Aren't you the mentor. Shouldn't you be the one giving me life altering advice?" Zhenting said facing the girl. She smiled at the last comment

"You are still such a mother," Jade said with a smirk.

"When are you guys going to stop calling me that," Zhengting said with fake annoyance. He tried to hide his grin but failed miserably. 

"Enough about me, how training?" Jade said changing the topic. 

"Its hard. But fun," Zhengting said. He then started to ramble on about the different people. He also told Jade about being in NEX7. Jade was thrilled for her friend.(A/N Are you sure about that Jade???? Anyway please continue.) The pair talked for hours. 

"wow, look at the time. You have a long day tomorrow. You should go to sleep," Jade said looking at her phone. 

"Look who is being motherly now,"Zhengting said with a smirk. Jade scoffed and playfully pushed the male. Zhengting stood up laughing. He then held out hand for Jade to take. She gratefully took it and stood up. 

LOVE?? - Zhu Zhengting (Idol Producer) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now