Chapter 7

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uhm nothing to say.. so onto the chapter. 

Jade found Yixing and asked him why he wanted to meet her. She sat down next to him at the table where they evaluated the trainees again. 

"How long has it been since you have seen your family?" Yixing asked her. This took Jade by surprise. 

"Uhm... I don't know... It has been a long time since I have seen all of them," Jade replied thinking of her family. 

"Well, I have a little surprise for you," Yixing said to Jade with a smirk appeared on his lips. Jade looked at him skeptically. 

"I swear Yixing if you flew in my family from LA I am literally going to start crying," said Jade while covering her mouth starting to tear up. This comment made Yixing laugh. 

Yixing laughed leading the girl to one of the rooms. Yixing opened the door and Jade didn't take her eyes off of him. Jade then entered the dark room.

"Yixing why are all the lights off?"Jade asked the male standing behind her. 

"Ahh...that's right,"  Yixing said while turning on the lights. When the lights were turned on, standing in front of Jade was her family.

"媽媽(mom), 爸爸(dad)!!!" Jade shouted running into the arms of her parents. 

"Wow, you do know we are here too right," Jade let go of her parents to see a smirk on her older brother's lips. 

"Gosh, don't be such a drama queen Mark," Jade said rolling her eyes at her brother. She then engulfed her brother in a bone-crushing hug. After she let go she looked around. 

"Did Tammy, Grace, and Joey also come?" Jade said looking at Yixing. He shook his head signaling that her missing siblings did not come.

"They really wanted to, but they very important things. They could not get away from." This made Jade frown a bit, but she still had a smile on her lips. 

"Hey don't worry your better sibling is here," Mark said resting an arm on his younger sister's shoulders. This made Jade scoff a little, but she was still happy nonetheless. 

"Your mentor duties are done for the day. So enjoy with your family.'" Yixing said to the girl latched to her brother. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Jade said letting go of her brother. She then gave Lay a hug. 

"Your welcome. Go have fun. I think I can handle the trainees for a few days." Yixing said letting go of Jade. Jade did not have to be told TWICE(*nudge* *nudge*Twice *nudge* *nudge*... no okay). She ran off with her family in tow. 

I am so so so so so so so so sorry for the late update. Life has been a b*tch. So yeah. 

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