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"She is only a child! Our child!" 

"I refuse to keep a winged freak in our home. She is no child of ours! She has caused us enough trouble as is and now the neighbors have seen her wings. We will be found out by the whole world soon. We can't keep her here anymore. They would burn our home down!" 

"No! Please! Don't make me go!" 

My father grabbed me by my wings and threw me out the front door. I tumbled down the steps. I sat up and ran to the front door but it was slammed in my face. 

"Daddy! Mommy!" I cried. 

And cried. 

But no one ever answered. and I sat outside all night.

And when the sun started to rise he came out with the gun and shot at the ground around me until I ran

And ran

And ran

That was years ago. I had found myself in Manhattan. A place where I could hide in the buildings shadows. I lived on the streets. Almost every day I wondered if it was worth it. Why do I keep on trying to I've everyday in a world that hates freaks like me. I sat in an alleyway, chin resting on my knees as I kept my legs tucked into my chest. I listened to the sounds of people moving and living their lives out in the daylight. My back hurt, but I didn't dare take off my jacket and let my wings spread. I only did that at night, and when no one was around. I heard my stomach growl at me and I sighed. I needed to find some food. but all the venders at the market place knew me by now, and wouldn't let me near them. I would go out a beg, but after that one night (with the man who took advantage of me, and abused me in the shadows of the alleyway)  I told myself that I would never beg again. 

"How old are you dear?" 

I look up and see a lady with a frown on her face, looking concerned as she kneeled in front of me. I frowned. Not answering her. "Do you have a name? Are you lost?" I shook my head to her questions and realization struck her. "I see, such a shame to be on your" she said digging in her bag and placing a loaf of bread in front of me. I didn't move and she stood up. "Do you come here often?" she asked me kindly. I blinked, would she tell others about me? Would she bring the police? Or more food if I told her yes. I didn't answer, but I did reach for the break in front of me and pulled int to my chest. "I walk this way every day...right around this time. If you want to see me again you can be here." She said before leaving me. I tore a bit of the bread and ate. Then tucked the rest into my bag that I found in the trash one day. It had a hole in it, but it did the job for me. I stood up and left my spot. the lady was kind, but I couldn't risk it. People wanted my kind dead. I had to hide. I had to live in the shadows. As I walked down the street to one of my usual spots I looked at the flyers that decorated the walls. They were always changing and I usually checked to see if there were any odd jobs or such that I could do for a quick buck. But I stopped when I saw a flyer that said "Wanted Unique Persons and Curiosities! Male or Female Young or Old. Daring Acts! Wonders of the World! Barnum's American Museum!"   I stopped and frowned. I couldn't read the whole poster. I hadn't gone to school after my family abandoned me. But I knew the word "Unique" and "young or old" I ripped the flyer off the wall and tucked it into my bag. Maybe this Barnum guy had a job for me. I thought about it. I was homeless and had nothing to my name, and I was a winged freak. Not even Barnum would want me. He wanted people who were unique...not freaks. If I showed him my wings and he didn't want me I'm sure that I could run from him and anyone else before they try to rip my wings off or hurt me. I had done it so many times before. And at this point. I had nothing to lose. 

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