Chapter 3 : Never Enough

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I stood in front of the mirror in my dressing room, which doubled as my bedroom. I was the first to start living in the building where we performed, but soon after we found success a lot of the other acts started staying here as well. Mostly because they were getting attacked by those awful people at their homes. It was safer here for all the freaks. I pulled on the straps that were wrapped around me, pulling tighter until my wings were flush against my back. We were going to a very public place tonight, and while everyone else got to go as themselves everyone made me wear this under my dress. 

"We already have enough to worry about without having to worry about some dirty old men trying to kidnap you because of your wings darling. It's not because we want to hide your wings, they are beautiful. We just worry about your safety. We couldn't lose our little Birdy now could we?" 

Anne had explained to me earlier. I looked at myself in the mirror as I pulled my dress on, if you looked closely you could tell that I was hiding something under my clothes, but if I kept a low profile and stayed close to Lettie, Anne, or one of the other crew of the show I would be fine. I was sure of it. "Birdy? Are you done getting dressed?" I heard Lettie call from the other side of the door that was shut. I kicked my shoes on opened the door. "Oh, don't you look precious. I love this dress the miss got for you." Lettie said picking me up in her arms. P.T.'s wife had found this dress for me while she was shopping, she must have known that I wouldn't have anything to wear to the show tonight so she got it for me. I was very thankful. "I can't remember the last time I wore something so...nice." I said looking down at the fabric. It almost felt wrong for a homeless orphan for myself to be wearing something like this. "Well you look beautiful Rosemary. I'll brush through your hair and fit it up a bit, hopefully by then everyone will be ready to go." Anne said walking over to me wearing a beautiful dress. "Wow, you look so great Anne!" I said as Lettie sat me down on a chair. "Why thank you. It's the first time that many of us are going to a show like this. Hopefully the night goes well for Barnum." She said as she started to brush through and braid my hair. "Yea, hopefully she can sing better than all of us. Barnum sure is taking a risk with this isn't he?" Lettie asked. "No one can sing better than you Lettie." I said grinning to her. The woman laughed as poked my sensitive sides. "You got that right Birdy." Anne smiled as she finished the braid and Birdy climbed down. As Lettie ran around telling everyone that it was almost time to go I grabbed onto Anne's hand. I was excited to go out for such a fancy night, but I was also nervous. 


The show was about to start and everyone from the circus was standing in the back while everyone else took their seats. I held onto W.D's hand as he stood beside his sister Anne. Phillip walked over to us and stood by Anne. I watched as they held hands and I smiled, everyone was gossiping about their blooming relationship. Phillip didn't know what work he had in front of him to get Anne to accept his hand, but he didn't seem like the type to give up easily either. the lights dimmed and I smiled as P.T. stepped out onto the stage through the curtains. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for your patience. I recently had the privilege of hearing the most divine voice I have ever heard. Now I know that sounds like Barnum hum bug, but I have about 100 bottles of champaign on ice that say this isn't just another side show novelty." I bit my lip, was that really what Barnum thought of us? I thought he said our show was amazing. I looked up and saw that a lot of the crew were offended by his words. Maybe we were just a bunch of freaks putting on a show. "Now without further ado I present to you, Miss Jenny Lind" 

Everyone was clapping, cheering even! I found myself mesmerized by the voice of Jenny. "wow," I sighed as everyone clapped all around me. I looked over to see that Anne and Phillip weren't clapping, or holding hands like earlier. I frowned as everyone made their way out of the theater and talked about the show. I stayed quiet, keeping a tight grip on W.D's hand. He seemed to sense that I wasn't too comfortable and pulled me close to him. "What did you think of the show Birdy?" He asked me. I smiled, "She has a wonderful voice. Barnum has done it again." I said as W.D. agreed. We all went to the after party to see Barnum and congratulate him. "Oh Barnum that woman can sing!" Lettie said as he met our group at the door. "Do you think she likes a man in uniform?" Tom asked. "I-I'm sure she does. Guys what are you doing here? Isn't the show starting soon?" He asked. Lettie looked hurt as she tried to get past Barnum, but he blocked her way. "Why we have time to have a few drinks and mingle don't we?" Lettie asked for the whole group. "No, it is very crowded in here and you have to start getting ready for the show." Barnum said looking over the crowd, his eyes landed on me and I frowned. "Rosemary can come in for a little bit but anymore and it would be way to crowded." He said extending his hand for me to take. I looked back at the group. He was letting me in because my wings were covered, people couldn't tell that I was apart of his side show. "N-no thank you. I will go back with the rest for our novelty side show." I said, feeling very hurt by P.T.'s actions. He frowned before looking over his shoulder at the room of people and sighing. "Suit yourself, but I must be going back in there now." He said before slamming the door in front of our faces. I looked up and saw that Lettie was close to tears. I stood back and followed the group as they marched out of the theater. 

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