2:30 am

19 1 0

Thank you AddieHigenell for the cover!

I woke up and stretched. I looked outside my window and was confused when I saw it was still dark out. I checked my phone and realized I had a text from Andrew.

Hey u up? -Andrew

Yeah, sorry I just saw that. You're probably asleep by now -Ayda

I set my phone back down, and turned on my tv. I looked through Netflix and decided on a movie. I turned my lamp on for a little light in my room. I heard my phone buzz and picked it up.

I can't sleep -Andrew

I just woke up -Ayda

Why? -Andrew

No reason -Ayda

I decided to go walking -Andrew

Walking? It's 2:30 am??? -Ayda

It's quiet and helps me relax -Andrew

Can we just call? -Ayda

Yea call me -Andrew

I tapped on his contact and hit the call button. He answered soon after.

"Hey." His voice came through the phone and I heard him sniffle a little.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah just cold," He let out a chuckle.

"So where do you walk at 2:30?" I was curious. I also didn't know why he texted me, we barely spoke today.

"Just anywhere, not too far though, I still have to be back in time for school." I heard a car go by on the phone and a few seconds later saw one pass by a window.

"Did a red Jeep just go by you?" That sounded creepy. Oops.

"Yeah why?" I could hear the confusion in his voice.

"You're by my house." I laughed slightly.

"Really? I'm almost home."

"You're joking." I said, halfway believing him.

"Nope, which house is yours?" How did I not know he lived here?

"Two story, white, and the door has a half circle window." I explained and seen him come down the street. "You're near it actually."

"Huh? How do you know?" He looked around for a minute.

"Look up and to the right." When he looked at me I waved. "I think I'm gonna try to go back to sleep." I said and yawned.

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Night." I hung up my phone and put it back on the charger. I laid down and quickly fell asleep. The last thought I had before falling asleep is why'd he text me?

- - -

The next week had went by fast. I have become closer with the other three A's (which we've now decided to call each other the A squad). The other students have already gotten used to me being here, which is good because no more awkward stares.

The next Monday I walked in to find a note on my desk. There wasn't any name on it and it was the same hand writing as the other note.

Week #1: has anyone told you how pretty you are?

I was so confused. I had forgotten about the other note till now. The other three had already seen the note and were busy trying to figure out whose handwriting it was.

I had became really close to both Andrew and Alex, Andrew was so shy it was a little adorable, and Alex? He's a total sweetheart behind his jackass smile. He checked up on me daily to make sure I was adjusting well and wasn't having any problems.

All in all I had gotten pretty lucky when it came to my friends, yeah it wasn't many, but quality over quantity right? 

There were a few other people I had met from other classes, like Jordan, he was funny, joked a lot, and he was in band, although if you had saw him then you'd never know he was in band. He even played flute, which I definitely did not expect. We had a few other classes together too. I have a few other friends in class, but those are my main friends.

I was in lunch when Alexa called my name.

"Hello? Earth to Ayda." She snapped in my face and laughed at the surprised look on my face.

"Sorry, sorry. I completely zoned out there for a moment." I chuckled and took a bite of my pizza.

"Are you free Friday night?" She asked with a sly smile.

"Yes?" I said slightly worried for what she had planned.

"My parents are leaving Thursday morning and won't be back till Monday night for a business trip for work." She began and stopped for a moment.

"Okay and?" I said slightly confused, not sure what I was about to sign myself up for.

"I'm throwing a small party, A's only." She gave me a hopeful look and I smiled back.

"What time should I be there?" I smirked at her.

"Yes! Be there by 7:30, I'll text you my address." I laughed as she typed at her phone.

"I'll save it into my phone, because I have a feeling I'll be going there often." I saved it under her contact.

"You could just ride home with me Friday and help me get set up, it may be easier." She suggested.

"That'll probably be easier." I smiled and put my phone away. "I'll talk to my dad tonight just to make sure it's okay with him."

- - -

"Hey dad." I dragged out the word Dad too much and he knew i was going to ask something.

"Yeah?" He looked up at me from where he was watching TV.

"Remember Alexa?" I had talked to him about Alexa before and he seemed to like her.

"Yes, why?" He paused.

"Can I stay the night with her this weekend? She can take me to her house after-school on Friday and I'll stay Friday, maybe Saturday too?" I waited for an answer.

"Yeah, I'm glad your making new friends." He smiled and I smiled back. 

"I know." I walked to my room and started on my homework.


A/N How am I #31 in the anonymous category? I hope you liked this chapter!

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