🥀S E V E N🥀

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"Taeil, are you okay?" taeil looked up and sitting there was sicheng, his face had an expression of worry on it. "i- ow" taeil cut himself off as another sharp pain went through his chest. with this, the chinese boys hand flew up, trying to get the teachers attention, he waved his hand urgently.

"yes, sicheng?" the teacher asked with a very annoyed voice, she clearly was pissed about being interrupted while teaching. "taeil's feeling sick, can i take him to the nurse?" sicheng asked, looking at the older male beside him with great worry. he certainly looked like he was in a lot of pain, which was concerning cause nothing could've caused the pain.

"go." was all the teacher said before going back to teaching her lesson. sicheng stood up, grabbing the others hand and leading him out of the classroom. the two walked to the nurses, but before they could get there, they passed by one of the bathrooms. immediately taeil ran into the room and into one of the stalls.

taeil looked in the toilet after throwing up, once again there was petals and a bit of blood in it. he sighed and moved away from the toilet, he heard sicheng walk into the bathroom. he remained in the stall, staying completely silent, he didn't want his crush to know about this weird thing going on with him.

"taeil, are you okay?" sicheng asked, and with that question, taeil unlocked the stall and let the door open slowly by itself. "i'm, fine i guess." he mumbled, immediately sicheng walked over and looked into the toilet. he gasped and made a weird expression as he sat down on the ground in front of the older.

"did you throw those up?" he asked, sounding almost impressed. taeil nodded quietly and looked down at the ground. "yes, i did. i have hanahaki." he mumbled and started fidgeting with his fingers, he was feeling quite nervous right now. he just told the person who gave him hanahaki, that he had hanahaki.

"Hanahaki is like some sort of disease thing caused by one sided love. So i can die from it, confess to my crush and hope they like me too, or get a surgery to remove the flower but i lose all feelings for the person." taeil explained quietly, he'd never talked to sicheng for this long. "oh my god, that's intense." he said, without even realizing the words that were coming out of his mouth.

"yeah, it's really scary. i don't want to tell the person. but i also don't want to die, or lose feeling for them. it's just so much, mixed with the fact that i'm failing some of my classes and my dad is on my ass for it." taeil said and scratched the back of his neck in distress. "i could tutor you! im doing great in all my classes." sicheng said with excitement.

"also, who caused your hanahaki?"

ITS BEEN A MONTH. i'm sorry for not updating in six years. this was bad for coming back after a month.

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