Chapter 6

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We were having a meeting with Kendall

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We were having a meeting with Kendall. I had no idea what got her panties in a bunch, but she was on an up roar over something big and she demanded a meeting with the both of us right now. So here were. Michael and I were in the music studio office. To find out what Kendall wanted with us.

I was seated near Michael's side at the long glass table in front of us. There was a huge photo of Michael and I on the front cover of People Magazine. It was to come out this week. We had not even saw our photos yet.

I was so happy to see them. Michael looked so handsome in the photo. "Michael did Kendall tell you what she wanted?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"Not a word. I have no clue" he sighs.

He leans back into his swivel chair. Rocking in it some. He looks bored to me. But his handsome face was studying the photo from People as well. I loved watching him at times when he did not know I was.

I always tried to guess what he was feeling to see if I was in tune with him at the same time. Sometimes I was right about the moods he was in. Sometimes I was wrong about them too. Soon Kendall comes rushing into the room.


"Did you see the photo there?" Kendall briskly points to the photo we had been staring at for the past half hour now. I nod. Michael nods to.

He sighs. "What does that have to do with us? This meeting? Kendall what do you want?" he demands to know. She leans her hands on the table looking at me. Then she looks at Michael.

"You want to know?" Kendall smirks.

Michael frowns. "You know that I do not like mind games. So, Kendall tells us now" he demands.

"This wedding is in a week. You are inviting close friends and family to the event. We are trying to convince the world you adore Renee. That you are in love. Renee looks fab in the photo. She looks deeply in love. You, Michael on the other hand, well just look at you! A dull far away carless look in those eyes are a giveaway. We want to prove you are innocent. Renee is putting her ass out on the line for you right now to. Before this wedding happens you two need a few acting lessons" mutters a grumpy Kendall.

"What do you mean? I can act. I care about Renee, I look fine in the photo!" snaps Michael defensively.

"Imagine that you are in the wedding. About to say I do and then you kiss. You are not kissing your best friend or your sister Michael! Renee is supposed to be your lover. The love of your life! The woman you want to spend forever with. And if you want to sell this story to the press you need practice before going future into this and blow it all!" warns Kendall sternly.

She plays a video tape of the interview with Michael and I with Oprah it was not to come out till this weekend. Kendall had everything run by her before it went on air or to the public eye. I watch as Michael and I talk with her and were holding hands. I thought that had went rather well myself. I did enjoy getting to be with Michael during that.

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