Chapter 22

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I was on tour with Michael

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I was on tour with Michael. We were jet setting every where soon. I was going to get to see the world! With Michael. My lover. My best friend in the entire world. We landed in New York City first.

I was super excited to see the city. Though when we arrived a crowd surrounded us at a private airport. Then getting to our hotel a crowd was waiting for him. Screaming his name. Screaming mine. Waving at us. So many cameras were flashing my way. Putting me on the edge.

Michael and his guards let us out of there safely. Some people managed to grab at him. Stopping him for an autograph. Someone startled me and grabbed me by the collar of my coat.

They see my scar on my face as they do, they look horrified. They asked me what happened to me. I bolt away with Michael. I hide in the bathroom our room while Michael was tipping the bell hop. I take deep breaths in then out.

My hands grasp the edge of the sink. I look at myself in the mirror. The scar was not healing up. Shouldn't it be gone by now? I glare at it with frustration. Tears come to me. I grab my purse from the floor.

I grab the bottle of pills out from my bag. I had one more refill. Then I would not need these any more. I just needed something to take off this edge. I needed these. I pop one in my mouth then turn on the water. I cup my hands under the water then drink the water from my hands after taking the pill. Michael knocks on the door startling me.

"Baby come on. Come see this room! We have a wicked view of the city from the room" he cheerfully tells me.

"Be right there" I promise him.


I take a deep breath then toss my pills back in my purse. I head out to join Michael in the room. He pulls me in his embrace. He smiles down at me. He leans in kissing me on the lips. My worries start to fade away being in his embrace. This was all I needed. Michael. He was my comfort. My support. My rock. My everything.

"I am so happy to be here with you" he tells me after the kiss ends.

"Me to" I agree as I smile up at him.

We hear loud cheering outside of the room. I could not make out what they were saying at first. Then suddenly we could hear it. They were chanting his name! Michael!

They knew he was here. They all wanted to get one glimpse of him. Not that I could blame them. He was a stunning creature. He grins looking pleased that his fans were calling for him.

"Michael do you think we should go out there?" I wonder.

He does it anyway. He steps out on the deck. They cheer more. Waving like crazy as he waves down at everyone. My heart races faster. I watch from the window. Michael looked like he was in his element that was for sure. He motions for me to come out there with him. I shake my head no.

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