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As thetitle implies, cross-platform technology alludes to creating a singleMobile Technology that can effectively run on numerous operatingsystems. Since we have smartphones with different operating systemslike Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows, developers alwaysendeavor towards building common technologies to optimize their workand determine cost-effectiveness. The major emphasis lies on the codewritten and its compatibility with the platform.
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Microsofthas proposed Java as a Cross-Platform Development language for makingthe foremost consistent code that will be successful and error-freeon Android and iOS. We have recently learned about a new Java-basedapproach to making Cross-Platform Mobile Apps, i.e. JUniversal. Otherthan utilizing it on multiple platforms, you'll expand the existingtechnology and reuse the already composed code over different workingframeworks.
JUniversalhas been created with the objective to provide a multi-purpose toolto translate source code and make it suitable to use on variousplatforms at the same time without fail. It is interesting to notethat JUniversal also permits developers to compose shared code inJava and interpret it to C# (currently available) or to C++/ObjectiveC++ (yet to come). You can moreover consolidate JUniversal withGoogle's j2objc translator to translate Java to Objective-C foriOS.
JUniversalcomprises of a library known as JSimple giving cross-platform formsof APIs for non-UIS utilized by most mobile applications. JSON,JUNIT, File and Network I/O operations, Collections –Hasmmap,Arraylist are a few to say.The primary design tool of Juniversalpoints at preserving comments and formatting and creating translatedsource comparative to the human-written code that the developerswould write. All the functions and tools work within the same way andhence, the code can combine with the core code, and there's noinconsistency within the language. Writing the code in nativetechnology gives the advantage of easy debugging as well astranslating unit tests.
Movingon to the cross-platform technology range, JUniversal is the foremostfeatherweight and natural-like approach due to the use of inbornprogramming language through native tools like compiler, debugger, UIdesign, etc. This could make genuinely local mobile apps for bothAndroid and iOS. Keep in mind that, JUniversal isn't proposed as asingle tool to perform different operations, but is an great codetechnique.
From adeveloper's aspect, you may be spending much of your time in yourfavorite Java IDE, performing Android specific development andgetting the shared code debugged there only. In this case, you'llcertainly select Xcodeor Visual Studio to invest relatively lessertime in writing and debugging the Android, Windows and iOS specificcode.
Asthere's continuously a scope for improvement, JUniversal is open toincorporating anything distinctive within the APIs, Java collectionclass enhancements are still in their design phase, and there arenumerous functionalities yet to come.
Incase you're a Mobile App Developer, jump into the world ofcross-platform technology and bring something more effective andefficient to the plate.
Evolve Click has everything to provide the right assistance on Mobile App Development including comprehensive iOS Training, Android Training or Cross Platform App Development Training with real-time implementations in your project.