Another'death of SEO' wave has hit the online world, causing digitalmarketers to go into a frenzy.
Proclaimingsearch engine optimization as an obsolete tactic is not something newor unexpected. However, with the advent and prevalence of socialmedia marketing, paid promotions, and voice search, hasSEO really turned to dust?
Whilethe naysayers would agree in a heartbeat, SEO advocates have come upwith the right defense just to prove them wrong yet again!
Accordingto research,51%of the traffic a website acquires is from organic search.Let's admit, internet users are inquisitive (and impatient) when itcomes to finding the right answer for their query. Search engines aretheir go-to place to look for anything and everything on theinternet!
Additionally,a study suggests that any onlinebusiness gains40%of the revenue generated via organic searches.This the reason why companies are motivated to invest in SEO - theROI is huge! The demand for SEO is ever-increasing, thus, calling formarketers to undertake beforediving into the pool of competition.
Takingall the facts into consideration, it is safe to conclude that SEO isalive and kicking! However, throwing in figures and statisticsdoesn't pull attention away from the big old question nagging atthe back of our minds - Whycall SEO dead, then?
Theanswer lies in the history of SEO.
TheEvolution of SEO
SEOhas evolved but never died. Thanks to search giants, Google and Bing,regularly rolling out updates has kept marketers on their toes.
Overthe years, many marketers have attempted to keep up with thesechanges but in vain. Thus, eventually calling it quits by saying SEOis dead.
Whilethe search industry has observed major changes over time, the mainagenda hidden behind all of them is the same - offer flawlessuser-experience! SEO is no longer just about building links orinserting keywords. It encompasses an integrated approach to buildbrand value and exposure. As a matter of fact, this has led toamateurs seeking the help of tobrush up their skills.
BlackHat SEO
Backwhen Google was a toddler, ranking a website was a no-brainer. Allyou had to do was stuff your site with keywords and buy backlinkspointing to your site.
Soon,the search giant came up with ways to circumvent these shadystrategies. Panda and Penguin, the two algorithm updates that sentchills down the spine of marketers, revolutionized the SEO industry.
TheUpsurge in Mobile Search
Backin 2015, Google officially announced that mobile searches overtookdesktop searches. Soon various updates favoring optimum mobileexperience were rolled out; thus, marking the rise of responsivedesign and mobile-first indexing. The naysayers called it the end ofdesktop SEO.
VoiceSearch Optimization
Voice-activatedassistants, like Google Home and Amazon Alexa, have taken the SEOworld by storm. Marketers are keen on optimizing website and contentaround voice-search queries to dominate the results. Long-tailkeywords, structured schema, and user-intent are given importanceover other factors.
ChampioningSEO is no easy feat to accomplish. You need to look out for thelatest updates and platforms introduced. Evolve Click academy helpsbeginners and professionals to learn the latest tricks with its .

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