Boy of Bronze.

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From V:

Even though we are far,
And our distance is long,
I get to you by flight or in a car,
And you are wise, but in this you are wrong.

When I saw you, that moment I knew
For you were nice and beauty you had,
People I have talked, and liked a few,
But you were the one that had my heart in hand.

I do not expect you to understand,
How I come to care and to love,
But I had not planned,
For love with you to come.

I tried to fight and love to resist,
Wanted to hide what inside I felt,
And resulted in dreams of how we both kissed,
But now I know, love could never be held.

So, this words I write to you my heart,
For you bring me joy and nothing more,
And if you break us apart,
On my heart lava, you will pour.

I hope you know, anything would I do,
For my heart belongs to only you,
As yours does to me,
For we were always meant to be.

You, my love, need to realize the truth,
I was trying to hide,
What I felt and yet feel for no one else, but only you,
For I wish nothing more than to be by your side.

I am truly sorry if I hurt you, my love,
But worthless it was my feelings to have fought,
I hope you know, you are my care and joy,
And I will always be glad to be your precious boy.

I write this words, all in a rush,
For I am afraid it will be too late,
To let you know, you are more than a simple crush,
One day we will meet, for this is both our destiny and fate.

I long for one day, your touch to feel,
And I know It will soon come to be,
But when it does, I wish not to be ill,
For you are poisonous to only me.

My breath you will take,
And my senses I will lose,
I know when I see you, my self will break,
That I will confront, for you are the boy that I choose.

I do not know where or when,
But for you, I will always want to wait,
There will be no other boy, I want you to remain,
For I, in us, have only faith.

So, read these words and write to me,
For I long to hear your only response,
If you wish me gone, that, I will be,
But if you do not, I will wait for you, my boy of bronze.

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