3~ Idol

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"You're getting married Y/N," My dad says.

"w-what?" I ask, confused, "b-but I have just turned 14"

"I know sweetie, but we are doing this for your own good and the family's," my mom whispers as she comes near me and gives me a hug.

"Don't worry dear, your engagement party will be in 6 months and your wedding will be 2 months after that, I think you'll be okay by then?" My soon-to-be mother in law said.

I nodded and then said "please excuse me I need some time to think right now"

I bowed and headed to my room, I lay in my bed for a little bit before noticing the box Mrs. Min gave to me.

I reached for it and opened it.

It was a beautiful gold heart necklace.

I opened it but there was nothing inside, it had space for 2 pictures

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I opened it but there was nothing inside, it had space for 2 pictures.

I closed it and before I could put it back, the box slipped from my hand and landed on the floor.


Before I picked it up, I noticed there was a white piece of paper. I picked both of them up and read the paper:

{Please wear this necklace on your wedding day and your engagement party.

I hope you also put pictures of your husband and you.}

I looked back at the necklace. I noticed that in the front it said 'My Love'

I smiled.

But then I remember about everything, my smile faded away. I put the necklace back in the box and closed it.

Then I put the box in a shelf in my wardrobe under all my clothes. I won't be seeing you until then...

I took a shower and put on my pjs.

I went to my phone and started scrolling through social media until my eyes stopped at something, SM GLOBAL AUDITION.

I clicked on the link, and it sends me to the SM Official Page.

Oh~ This looks interesting... maybe I should try it out!

I put all my information and submit it.

I was too excited that I ended up falling asleep.


Two Weeks Later

I came back from school with my phone dead. I quickly went upstairs and charged it while I took shower.

 I quickly went upstairs and charged it while I took shower

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I changed and did my hair, then I went over to my phone.

I noticed I had received an email.

I opened it and read it out loud:

'Dear Miss. Lee,

You emailed us your audition 2 weeks ago. We were very impressed with all your talents at a very young age, we think you would be a great model and singer. We would really like to meet you, would you be able to attend? You have a month to reach back to us before we eliminate you from our trainee list.


SM Entertainment'

I screamed.

My mom came running up the stairs.

"What's wrong?!"

"I made it!"

"Made what?"

"I made the audition!"

"What audition?"

"Um... I might have auditioned to SM..."

"Oh, well what about your marriage?" She asked.

I froze.

"I a-accept the marriage in one condition..."

"Which is?"

"Becoming a Kpop Idol"

Engaged To My Idol | M.YG {𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃}Where stories live. Discover now