4~ Announcement

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One Month Later

I started working as a trainee after school for the past month and my life has been very busy.

But I still have time to talk to my best friend Dahyun!

"Mom I'm leaving!" I yell as I go off to school.

After School

"I'm back!" I yell once I'm back but I also try to hurry up to my room to get ready for training.

"I'm back!" I yell once I'm back but I also try to hurry up to my room to get ready for training

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Once I'm out, I go to eat and head to the door.

"Bye, mom!"

Two Months Later

It's December!

My favorite month of the year.

We are getting a break for 1 month because of the cold and the celebrations. It's December 1st and I can't wait to start with my calendar.

"Y/N!" My mom yells from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back.

I head down the stairs, but suddenly I hear familiar voices.

I hurry down and see my mom talking to someone.

"Oh! There she is!" my mom says and the man turns around.

Oh, it's just Mr. Min

"Hi Y/N, I'm here to give you this." He gives me a small smile and I look at him shooked.

His smile looks just like yoongis~

I take the big box from him and look back at him with a confused face.


"Just read the note inside, it's from my son. I'm sorry he couldn't come he's really busy"

"Oh, Thank you... please excuse me" I thank him and go to my room

I put the box in my bed and open it up.

I put the box in my bed and open it up

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It was a beautiful black dress.

It looks like the one I had worn the day of my birthday.

I took out the note and read it.

Dear Y/N,

I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend your birthday party. I hope you had fun. Here is this little present for you, my mom helped me choose this by the way. I hope you like it.

Sincerely S.

I looked at the last letter with confused eyes.


But I was happy the way he apologized for not coming to my birthday.

I put the dress away and threw the box away but kept the card. I went over to my desk and started doing my homework.


December 23

It's two days away from Christmas and one day away from Christmas Eve I am so excited.

I go downstairs to eat.

"I have an announcement to make!" My dad says enthusiastecly.

"What is it?" I asked nervously. I knew my engagement was coming up and I didn't want to talk about it now. It will just ruin my mood.

"The Min family is staying with us for a week. During Christmas as well!" He announced.

"What? What for?" I asked.

"For the sake of you! We need to get closer to them because your engagement is coming up." My brother said.

"That's it!" I told them and went up to my room.

"Wait Y/N! What's wrong?" My mom asked as she came up to while I headed upstairs.

I stopped and put my head down.

"I just need to forget about it for some time," I said and went to hug her. "This ruined my mood."

"Oh, I'm sorry honey..." she said. "I'm sure he didn't mean to offend you."

"It's ok, I guess I'll just try to relax and get some sleep"


Engaged To My Idol | M.YG {𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃}Where stories live. Discover now