11~ Engagement Party

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2 Months Later

Tomorrow Sunday is our engagement party and I'm nervous and excited at the same time. My moms' childhood friend promised to come, but that will be in 3 months.

Which means she will miss my engagement party and my wedding... and even my honeymoon if we have one but that doesn't really matter.

I am really nervous because she has 2 children, a boy, and a girl. The girl is 3 years older than me but we get along a bit. Mostly because of our mothers.

I just don't like her personality, she always talks about boys and would always judge me of not having a boyfriend.

But now I have Yoongi, I think that will be enough for her.


I shook all my thoughts away as we arrived at the mall.

I turned to my mom, "Do we really have to buy a brand new dress?"

My mom had decided that we buy a brand new dress because it was going to be a special occasion.

"Yes, it has to be special just like the occasion because you're my first daughter to get married, and my first daughter's husband-to-be has to have eyes on my daughter and only her"

I smiled at her words, "Ok then, but we better hurry up because the engagement is tomorrow!"

We both laughed and got out of the car.


It's been 2 hours and we haven't found a dress that I like.

My mom suddenly stopped and stared at a store.

"M-mom what's wrong?" She grabbed my wrist and pulled me with her towards the store that she was staring at before.

"Look" she pointed at a brown dress that was really beautiful.


"What are you waiting for? Go try it on!"

I asked the lady to please hand me the dress that was on the mannikin in my size which was small.

I put it on and came out of the dressing room. I looked around to find my mother.

"How does it look?"

"It's beautiful!"

"Really?!" I said and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Let's take it!" she said, "Come on, go change"


Next Day

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I stretched and got up.

I did my morning routine which consists of taking a shower, skincare and brushing my teeth.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Goodmorning everyone~," I say as I come in the kitchen.

"Goodmorning my little girl!" my mom yells as she pulls me in for a hug. "Are you ready for your big day?"

I nod and smile, "Yes"

"Ok, good." she lets me go and we walk towards the counter. "Now, let's eat."


Three Hours Later

The party will start at six, so I still have five more hours until I have to start getting ready.

Engaged To My Idol | M.YG {𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃}Where stories live. Discover now