Another Riddle

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A/N this is my first fan fiction! So please vote and comment. I do no own any characters   but  Trixy and Sally everyone else belongs to J.K.Rowling. ***************************************************************************************************************

"Trixy," Sally called up the stairs, " hurry up or you will be late for the train." Sally was my adopted mother. My real mother died soon after I was born, my father vanished when I was three, and so I was put in a orphanage until Sally adopted me at the age of 8. I think that the orphanage was glad to get rid of me, especially after a incident with 2 of the girls and a snake. They never knew what I was but Sally did and I did. You see, we were both witches.  I guess she knew right away when she saw me, but I knew because of my Father.  He was the Dark Lord, He who Must Not Be Named, You Know Who, Voldemort, or Tom Riddle. 

"Coming," I shouted down the stairs, " just give me a minute, I need to grab my wand." My wand was a 10 1/4 inches made of white oak with a Vela hair core. This year, I was headed to Hogwarts, after being kicked out of both Beauxbaton's and Durmstrang for pranking and expressing my feelings with my wand.  Once I got my wand, I took my trunk and dragged it down the stairs. 

"All set?" Sally asked me. I nodded my head in reply. "Good. Lets get going." Sally held out her arm to me soon and I felt the familiar squeezing of my vital organs that only comes from apparition. I can handle apparition well but I prefer Floo-powder. When the squeezing feeling stoped, we were, at last, in an ally just outside Kings Cross Station. Once we got in, we headed towards platforms 9 and 10. We knew how to get on the train because Sally owl-ed one of her friends who went to Hogwarts (Sally went to Beauxbaton's).  She told us about how you just walk through the barrier and your at platform 9 and 3/4 the home of the Hogwarts express. She also told me about the four different houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin (where my Father was put), Huffelpuff and Ravenclaw. Gryffindor was for the brave at heart, Slytherin was for the sly and cunning, Ravenclaw is for the smart, and Hufflepuff was for the person who didn't fit in any other houses.

"All right kids, pair up, Percy you first." A short plump witch with red bushy hair called out. Soon what looked like the oldest child walked through the barrier leaving four red heads minus the Mother remaining.

"Molly!  How good it is to see you again and all of your children too. My how you all have grown. You most likely don't remember me because you all were very young when I saw you last. Ginny must have only been 2 months old at the most!" Sally said, giving Molly a hug. I swear every child hears that speech so much you start to wonder if they get the script somewhere. I even tried to look for one in Sally's room.

"Kids this is Sally, and her adopted daughter Trixy!," Molly said giving me a hug which I couldn't fend off. To be honest, I was never much of a hugger. " Trixy this is George and Fred they're in your year.," she pointed at a pair of ginger twins." And this is Ron, it's his first year at Hogwarts. Lastly, this is Ginny she will be starting next year." 

"Nice to meat you all." I said. 

"You too!" The twins responded in unison. They were so much alike that I figured it would take some time before I figured out some differences between them. Ron and Ginny just nodded a hello.

"Sally, shouldn't we be headed through the barrier? Too get to the train?" I asked in hope I would be able to go on the train before it gets all full.

"Right, I hope I will see you all latter and thanks for the letter about Hogwarts.  It was a big help Molly."  Sally said, as I pulled her through the barrier, just as a boy with untidy black hair walked up to the read headed Weasley's. 

          *** On the Train*** 

Soon I was seated on the train after saying good bye to Sally and getting a lecture saying not to get expelled and to try and stay a good little kid. So, you know, the normal. I was lucky enough to get an empty compartment. 

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